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[英]SQL choose column to update inside CASE condition

I have ArticlePhotos table and each Article can have N photos. 我有ArticlePhotos表,每个Article可以有N张照片。 I am writing a trigger which will reflect changes made in ArticlePhotos table to create a flat hierarhy inside Articles table for faster querying to avoid joins when listing several articles. 我正在编写一个触发器,该触发器将反映ArticlePhotos表中所做的更改,以在Articles表中创建一个简单的层次结构,以便更快地进行查询以避免在列出几篇文章时出现联接。

Is there a way to select column to update in some sort of CASE clause instead writing update clause for each desired type 有没有一种方法可以选择要在某种CASE子句中更新的列,而不是为每种所需类型编写update子句

DECLARE @FrontPagePhotoTypeId INT = 1; 
DECLARE @MainArticlePhotoTypeId INT = 2; 
DECLARE @FacebookPhotoType INT = 4; 

-- all deleted photo records should be set as null in Articles table (flat hierarchy)

-- delete frontpage photo
UPDATE Articles 
SET Articles.FrontPagePhoto = NULL <-- can this be written as a case by PhotoTypeId
FROM Articles 
INNER JOIN deleted 
ON Articles.id = deleted.ArticleId WHERE deleted.PhotoTypeId = @FrontPagePhotoTypeId 

-- delete Main Article Photo
UPDATE Articles 
SET Articles.MainArticlePhoto = NULL
FROM Articles 
INNER JOIN deleted 
ON Articles.id = deleted.ArticleId WHERE deleted.PhotoTypeId = @MainArticlePhotoTypeId 

-- delete facebook
UPDATE Articles 
SET Articles.FacebookPhoto = NULL
FROM Articles 
INNER JOIN deleted 
ON Articles.id = deleted.ArticleId WHERE deleted.PhotoTypeId = @FacebookPhotoType 

The above query can be re-written as a single update as below 上面的查询可以重写为单个更新,如下所示

DECLARE @FrontPagePhotoTypeId INT = 1; 
DECLARE @MainArticlePhotoTypeId INT = 2; 
DECLARE @FacebookPhotoType INT = 4; 

UPDATE Articles 
    FrontPagePhoto = case when deleted.PhotoTypeId = @FrontPagePhotoTypeId
                                        then null
                                    else Articles.FrontPagePhoto end,
    MainArticlePhoto = case when deleted.PhotoTypeId = @MainArticlePhotoTypeId 
                                        then null
                                    else Articles.MainArticlePhoto end,
    FacebookPhoto = case when deleted.PhotoTypeId = @FacebookPhotoType 
                                        then null
                                    else Articles.FacebookPhoto end                             
FROM Articles 
INNER JOIN deleted 
ON Articles.id = deleted.ArticleId 

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