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[英]Angular2 Update form value inside FormArray

I need update 'lat' and 'lon' values inside FormArray: 我需要在FormArray中更新'lat'和'lon'值:

initRows() {
        return this._fb.group({
            address: "",
            lat: 0,
            lon: 0,

 initForm() {
        this.searchForm = this._fb.group({
        addresses: this._fb.array([this.initRows()]),

I need update them after callback: 我需要在回调后更新它们:

                  (response) => {this.data = response.json()
                                 this.lon = this.data.x;
                                 this.lat = this.data.y;
                                // UPDATE MY 'lat' and 'lon'
                  (error) => console.log('ERROR: ' + error)

form.value object: form.value对象:


  "addresses": [
      "address": {
        "text": "Weberweg, 58566, Kierspe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU"
      "lat": 0,
      "lon": 0
      "address": {
        "text": "Weberweg, 58566, Kierspe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU"
      "lat": 0,
      "lon": 0

PS 'lat' and 'lon' not an inputs, just data PS“ lat”和“ lon”不是输入,只是数据

I'm not sure is it "right" way, but you can do this: 我不确定这是“正确”的方法,但是您可以这样做:

    /* getter for addresses.
    get addresses() {
       this.seachForm.controls.addresses as FormArray;

    /* function for loading data */
    public loadData() {
           (response) => {
                          this.data = response.json()
                          this.lon = this.data.x; // it is global lon like I understood
                          this.lat = this.data.y; // it is global lat like I understood
                          this.addresses.controls.forEach((address) => {
           (error) => console.log('ERROR: ' + error)

Hope I got you right and this answer is helpful for you. 希望我做对了,这个答案对您有帮助。

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