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如何在Angular 2中使用ngModel在multiselect中设置默认选定值

[英]How to set default selected values in multiselect with ngModel in Angular 2

How to set default selected values in multiselect. 如何在multiselect中设置默认选定值。 I get current_options and all_options from database and I want to update current_options and send new values do database again. 我从数据库中获取current_optionsall_options ,我想更新current_options并再次发送新值数据库。

Updating database works but when I refresh page none of options are selected. 更新数据库有效但当我刷新页面时,没有选择任何选项。

current_options = [{id:1, name:'name1'}];                    #from database
all_options = [{id:1, name:'name1'},{id:2, name:'name2'}];   #from database

My template: 我的模板:

<select multiple name="type" [(ngModel)]="current_options">
    <option  *ngFor="let option of all_options" [ngValue] = "option">

If you will pass the values as an id array to ngModel 如果您将值作为id数组传递给ngModel

let idArrary = ["1"];

<select multiple name="type" [(ngModel)]="idArrary">
    <option  *ngFor="let option of all_options" [ngValue] = "option">

` `

You should be using an array of selected items 您应该使用一系列选定的项目

<select [(ngModel)]="selectedElement" multiple>
     <option *ngFor="let type of types" [ngValue]="type"> {{type.Name}}</option>

My selected item will be as below 我选择的项目如下

selectedElement:any= [


current_options = [all_options[0]] To initialize the default value of your input. current_options = [all_options[0]]初始化输入的默认值。

Current_options need to be initialize with an array containing the same objects present in all_options. Current_options需要使用包含all_options中存在的相同对象的数组进行初始化。

I forked the Plunker from another answer to illustrate it. 我从另一个答案中分出Plunker来说明它。

Keep in mind that : 请记住:

{id:1, name:'name1'} !== {id:1, name:'name1'}

Edit: 编辑:

Assuming current_options is already containing some value you are receiving from your server: 假设current_options已包含您从服务器收到的某些值:

current_options = current_options.map((current_option) => {
   return all_options.find((all_option) => current_option.id === all_option.id);

Or probably more performant: 或者可能性能更高:

for (let i in all_options) { 
   for (let j in current_options) { 
      if (all_options[i].id === current_options[j].id ) { 
         current_options[j] = all_options[i]; 

Edit: According to angular documentation you can use a compare with function to specify how to assume two objects are equal. 编辑:根据角度文档,您可以使用与函数的比较来指定如何假设两个对象相等。

<select multiple [compareWith]="compareFn" ...>

compareFn(c1: Category, c2: Category): boolean {
  return c1 && c2 ? c1.id === c2.id : c1 === c2;

If you want create multiple select and option with ngModel and set default value and two way bind its working code 如果你想用ngModel创建多个select和option并设置默认值,并且双向绑定其工作代码

<div  *ngFor="let options of optionsArray; let in = index">
 <select [(ngModel)]="res[in]" >
 <option  [ngValue]="option" *ngFor="let option of options.options; let i =index">


export class ExComponent implements OnInit {
public res=[];
 public optionsArray = [
   {id: 1, text: 'Sentence 1', options:['kapil','vinay']},
   {id: 2, text: 'Sentence 2', options:['mukesh','anil']},
   {id: 3, text: 'Sentence 3', options:['viky','kd']},
  {id: 4, text: 'Sentence 4', options:['alok','gorva']},

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