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用于匹配边缘属性的ArangoDB AQL FILTER图

[英]ArangoDB AQL FILTER graph for matching edge attributes

I have one words collection and one word_relations edge collection. 我有一个words集合和一个word_relations边缘集合。 Words have relationships to other words, like synonym , hasPart , partOf , hasType , typeOf , etc. 这话得换句话说关系,如同义词 ,hasPart,partOf,hasTypetypeof

I am trying to figure out how to FILTER an AQL graph query so that all paths are followed, but paths with more than one edge contain identical edge attribute of relation_type . 我试图找出如何FILTER使所有路径都遵循一个AQL图形查询,但有一个以上的边缘路径包含相同边缘属性relation_type

Eg, I want this result (all returned paths, whether one or many, contain a single relation_type attribute value): 例如,我想要这个结果(所有返回的路径,无论是一个还是多个,都包含一个relation_type属性值):

    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/organism",
        "relation_type": "typeOf"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "organism",
        "word": "organism"
    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/organism",
        "relation_type": "typeOf"
        "_from": "library/organism",
        "_to": "library/scheme",
        "relation_type": "typeOf"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "organism",
        "word": "organism"
        "_key": "scheme",
        "word": "scheme"
    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/stepparent",
        "relation_type": "hasType"
        "_from": "library/stepparent",
        "_to": "library/stepmother",
        "relation_type": "hasType"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "stepparent",
        "word": "stepparent"
        "_key": "stepmother",
        "word": "stepmother"

NOT this result (the relation_type attribute value changes within one path): 不是这个结果( relation_type属性值在一个路径中改变):

    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/organism",
        "relation_type": "typeOf"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "organism",
        "word": "organism"
    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/organism",
        "relation_type": "typeOf"
        "_from": "library/organism",
        "_to": "library/zygote",
        "relation_type": "hasCategories"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "organism",
        "word": "organism"
        "_key": "zygote",
        "word": "zygote"
    "edges": [
        "_from": "library/parent",
        "_to": "library/family_unit",
        "relation_type": "memberOf"
        "_from": "library/family_unit",
        "_to": "library/sibling",
        "relation_type": "hasMembers"
    "vertices": [
        "_key": "parent",
        "word": "parent"
        "_key": "family_unit",
        "word": "family unit"
        "_key": "sibling",
        "word": "sibling"

There are many different kinds of relation_type attribute values. 有许多不同类型的relation_type属性值。 I do not want to filter to a specific value, I don't care what the initial value is, I just want all follow-on attribute values to be the same as the first. 我不想过滤为特定值,我不在乎初始值是什么,我只希望所有后续属性值都与第一个相同。

The AQL to get the second (undesirable) result looks like: 获得第二个(不希望的)结果的AQL看起来像:

FOR v, e, p IN 1..2 OUTBOUND 'words/parent' word_relations

I have tried a few different filters, none of which work: 我尝试了几种不同的过滤器,但都没有用:

0 results: 0结果:

FOR v, e, p IN 1..2 OUTBOUND 'library/parent' library_relations
  FILTER p.edges[*].relation_type ALL == p.edges[*].relation_type

Only returns 2 paths, b/c the FILTER requires the second to exist: 仅返回2条路径,b / c FILTER要求第二条路径存在:

FOR v, e, p IN 1..2 OUTBOUND 'library/parent' library_relations
  FILTER p.edges[0].relation_type == p.edges[1].relation_type

Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

The following could be used for larger values of MAX as well: 以下内容也可以用于较大的MAX值:

FOR v, e, p IN 1..2 OUTBOUND 'library/parent' library_relations
  FILTER p.edges[*].relation_type ALL == e.relation_type

Unfortunately, the AQL optimizer is tragically impaired at the moment (see https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/issues/3979#issuecomment-350686061 ), so most likely you would have to work around its limitation, eg by prepending the above with: 不幸的是,目前AQL优化器已严重受损(请参阅https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/issues/3979#issuecomment-350686061 ),因此您很可能必须解决其局限性,例如通过在以上:

FOR tmpV, tmpE  IN 1..1 OUTBOUND 'library/parent’ library_relations

and then using tmpE.relation_type instead of e.relation_type . 然后使用tmpE.relation_type而不是e.relation_type

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