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嵌套Jinja2 for循环

[英]Nested Jinja2 for loops

I'm passing 2 variables (3 including a simple one) to some Jinja from a python script. 我正在从python脚本中将2个变量(其中3个包括一个简单变量)传递给某些Jinja。

On certain runs I want to generate a list with links. 在某些运行中,我想生成一个带有链接的列表。

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

        {% if packageURLs is defined %}
            {% for x in packageURLs: %}
                <a href="{{ x }}">
            {% endfor %}

            {% for i in packagesList: %}
                <tr><td>{{ i }}</td></tr>

            {% endfor %}

        {" else "}

            {% for i in packagesList: %}
                <tr><td>{{ i }}</td></tr>

            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}


for each 'packageURLs' I want to add a tag then some table tags for 'packages' List. 对于每个“ packageURLs”,我想添加一个标签,然后为“ packages”列表添加一些表标签。 What's happening though is its generating HTML but completing each individual for loop first. 虽然正在发生的是它生成HTML,但是首先完成了每个循环。 So I end up with half a page full of links then another with table rows. 因此,我最后得到的是充满链接的半页,然后是包含表行的另一页。 How can I have it iterate through both initially? 一开始如何遍历两者?

I found a solution: 我找到了解决方案:

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

        {% if packageURLs is defined %}
            {% for i,x in packagesList  %}
                <a href="{{ x }}">
                    <tr><td>{{ i }}</td></tr>
            {% endfor %}

        {" else "}

            {% for i in packagesList: %}
                <tr><td>{{ i }}</td></tr>

            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}


Which is populated using zip() in the python script: 这是使用python脚本中的zip()填充的:

f = t.render(title=dataType,packagesList=zip(Info,packageURLs),packageURLs=packageURLs)

I kept the last variable out of laziness as a check since I still want to only execute those different chunks sometimes. 我将最后一个变量保留为懒惰,因为我仍然只想有时只执行那些不同的块。

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