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[英]Checking user input against an array, act as a guess Javascript

I am a new aspiring dev and I am trying to figure out how to build a game of hangman using vanilla js only. 我是一个有抱负的新开发人员,我试图弄清楚如何仅使用Vanilla JS构建子手游戏。 I have put together a key event listner, and have got it to console log the inputs. 我整理了一个关键事件列表器,并用它来控制台记录输入。 I have also got it to print the letters pushed into a "letters guessed" array. 我还可以打印推入“猜字母”数组中的字母。

document.addEventListener("keypress", letterPressed);

function letterPressed(event) {
    var letter = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
    document.getElementById("lettersGuessed").innerHTML = guessedLetters;

I also have an array of choices of words 我也有很多选择

var wordList = ["Ravens", "Cardinals", "Falcons", "Bills",
"Panthers", "Bears", "Bengals", "Browns", "Cowboys",
"Broncos", "Lions", "Packers", "Texans", "Colts",
"Jaguars", "Cheifs", "Chargers", "Rams",
"Dolphins", "Vikings", "Patriots", "Saints",
"Giants", "Jets", "Raiders", "Eagles", "Steelers",
"Forty Niners", "Seahawks", "Buccaneers", "Titans",

and a for loop picking the random word from this array, converting it to "_" strings in the length of the word, and printing it to the html document in a div id of "spaces". 和一个for循环,从该数组中选择随机单词,将其转换为单词长度的“ _”字符串,并以“ spaces”的div ID将其打印到html文档中。

   var wordBlanks = [];
var guessedLetters = [];
var randomWord = wordList[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordList.length)];

for (var i = 0; i < randomWord.length; i++) {
    wordBlanks[i] = "_";
    document.getElementById("spaces").innerHTML = wordBlanks.join(" ");

Where would I even want to go from here? 我什至想从这里去哪里? I want to check input from the keystrokes (or the letters guessed array, im not sure which would be best) against the word thats chosen and have the "_" strings reveal the correct guesses when guessed correctly. 我想对照选择的单词检查击键(或字母猜测的数组,我不确定哪一个最好)的输入,并在正确猜测时让“ _”字符串显示正确的猜测。

My question is more regarding pointing me in the right direction. 我的问题更多是指向正确的方向。 So, I can properly teach myself. 因此,我可以适当地自学。 Any words of advice? 有什么建议吗?

Thank you! 谢谢!

You'll have to come to terms with the upper/lowercase issue first, but after that, something like this will work: 您必须首先解决大小写问题,但是之后,类似的事情将起作用:

 const randomWord = "BEARS"; const guessedLetters = ["S", "O", "E"]; const wordBlanks = randomWord.split('') .map(letter => guessedLetters.indexOf(letter) >= 0 ? letter : "_") .join(' '); console.log(wordBlanks); 

Instead of putting into the guessedLetters array, try to see if the presses letter can be found in the randomWord . 而不是放到guessedLetters数组中,请尝试看看是否可以在randomWord找到印刷机字母。

If so, find the position of the letter and let it replace the appropriate _ space in the wordBlank array. 如果是这样,找到字母的位置,并让它替换wordBlank数组中的_空格。

Something like: 就像是:

function letterPressed(event) {
    var letter = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);

    if (randomWord.indexOf(letter) >= 0)
       wordBlank[(randomWord.indexOf(letter)] = letter;


Note that a letter may have multiple occurences in a word. 请注意,一个字母在一个单词中可能多次出现。

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