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如何获取UWP App中当前登录用户的用户名或ID

[英]How can I get username or id of currently logged in user in UWP App

I found this article: Get The Username/User Id Of Currently Logged In User In A UWP App 我找到了这篇文章: 获取UWP应用程序中当前登录用户的用户名/用户ID

to get the username of current user logged in in uwp app , but when I tried the accepted answer , it returns null/empty , is there any updated version of that? 获取当前用户的用户名登录uwp应用程序,但是当我尝试接受的答案时,它返回null / empty,是否有该版本的更新版本?

NOTE: Iam using a microsoft account 注意:Iam使用一个Microsoft帐户

UPDATE: All properties from "KnownUserProperties" returns empty string except for "First Name" & "Last Name" 更新:“ KnownUserProperties”中的所有属性都返回空字符串,“ First Name”和“ Last Name”除外

Thanks 谢谢

private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    IReadOnlyList<User> users = await User.FindAllAsync();

    var current = users.Where(p => p.AuthenticationStatus == UserAuthenticationStatus.LocallyAuthenticated && 
                                p.Type == UserType.LocalUser).FirstOrDefault();

    // user may have username
    var data = await current.GetPropertyAsync(KnownUserProperties.AccountName);
    string displayName = (string)data;

    text1.Text = displayName;

Did enable the User Account Information in the package.appxmanifest ? 是否在package.appxmanifest中启用了用户帐户信息? 在此处输入图片说明

Here is the image which shows the manifest file. 这是显示清单文件的图像。

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