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[英]How to produce a ggvis plot similar to this ggplot2 one

I'm familiar with ggplot2, here is the ggplot2 code for producing what I want: 我对ggplot2很熟悉,这是用于生成所需内容的ggplot2代码:

   df <- data.frame(t = rep(seq(from=as.POSIXct('00:15:00',format='%H:%M:%S'),
                             to=as.POSIXct('24:00:00',format='%H:%M:%S'),by='15 min'),times=2),
                     y = c(rnorm(96,10,10),rnorm(96,40,5)),
                     group = factor(rep(1:2,each=96)),
                     type = factor(rep(1:3,each=64)))

  scale_x_datetime(labels = date_format('%H:%M', tz = "Asia/Taipei"),
                   breaks = date_breaks('2 hours'))+
  scale_colour_manual(values = c('red','blue','green'))


This plot takes line group, line type, point color, point size and x-axis time format into consideration. 该图考虑了线组,线型,点颜色,点大小和x轴时间格式。 I want to produce a similar plot just like this with ggvis and use add_tooltip to display the point's information (all variables) when hovering. 我想用ggvis生成类似的图,并在悬停时使用add_tooltip显示点的信息(所有变量)。 But I found it hard to specify the blue, red and green colour. 但是我发现很难指定蓝色,红色和绿色。 The ggvis code that I tried is like this: 我尝试的ggvis代码如下所示:

df <- data.frame(df,id=1:nrow(df))
    ggvis(data=df,x=~t,y=~y,stroke=~group) %>% 
      layer_points(fill=~type,size=~type, key:=~id, fillOpacity := 0.5,
                   fillOpacity.hover := 0.8,size.hover := 500) %>% 
      scale_nominal("size", range = c(50,200)) %>%
      layer_lines() %>% 
      add_tooltip(all_values,'click') %>%
      add_legend(scales=c("fill","size"), properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 150))) %>%
      set_options(duration = 0) %>% 

Could someone offer me some help? 有人可以帮我些忙吗?

This is my replication of your ggplot2 graph: 这是我对ggplot2图的复制:

ggvis(data=df,x=~t,y=~y,opacity=~group,stroke=~type) %>% 
  layer_points(fill=~type,size=~type, key:=~id, fillOpacity := 0.5,fillOpacity.hover := 0.8,size.hover := 500) %>% 
  layer_lines() %>%
  scale_nominal("size", range = c(50,200)) %>%
  add_tooltip(all_values,'click') %>%
  add_legend(scales=c("fill","size"), properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 150))) %>%
  set_options(duration = 0) %>% 
  add_axis(type="x",format="%H:%M") %>%
  scale_ordinal("fill", range = c("red", "blue", "green")) %>%
  scale_ordinal("stroke", range = c("red", "blue", "green")) %>%
  scale_ordinal("opacity", range = c(1, 1))

click to see my plot 点击查看我的情节

Note that to perfectly replicate your original plot, I add a auxiliary mapping to opacity to set the lines apart while keeping stroke mapping to type 请注意,为完美复制原始图,我向不透明度添加了辅助映射,以将线条分开,同时保持笔划映射为类型

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