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Sequelize:批量更新或插入 MSSQL DB

[英]Sequelize: Bulk update or insert into MSSQL DB

I have spent the last 24 hours combing the internet for a solution and have yet to find one.我花了过去 24 小时在互联网上寻找解决方案,但还没有找到。 I am trying to do a bulk upsert (update or insert) of a single model into a mssql db.我正在尝试将单个模型批量更新插入(更新或插入)到 mssql 数据库中。 bulkCreate with updateOnDuplicate:true does not work with mssql.带有 updateOnDuplicate:true 的 bulkCreate 不适用于 mssql。 Is there any other solution?还有其他解决方案吗? This is dataset is anywhere between 1-50k rows.这是数据集在 1-50k 行之间的任何位置。 Any help would be greatly appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激!

Convert your data into a table using OpenJson and merge with the source table as done below:使用 OpenJson 将您的数据转换为表并与源表合并,如下所示:

const upsertedData = [
    id: "123",
    value: "Value 2"
    id: "124",
    value: "Value 1"

const upsert = async (data) => {
  await sequelize.query(
      SET @json = :dataToBeUpserted
      MERGE INTO dbo.tableToBeUpserted AS Target
      USING (SELECT * from OpenJson(@json) WITH (
          id nvarchar(32),
          value nvarchar(32),
      )) AS Source
      ON (Target.id = Source.id)
          Target.value = Source.value
      WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN           
          INSERT (id, value)
          VALUES (Source.id, Source.value);
      replacements: {
        dataToBeUpserted: JSON.stringify(data)

await upsert(upsertedData)

For SQL 2016+ you can simply pass your bulk data as JSON using a NVarchar(max) parameter, and parse and load it on the server.对于 SQL 2016+,您可以简单地使用 NVarchar(max) 参数将批量数据作为 JSON 传递,然后在服务器上解析和加载它。 Your query would look something like this:您的查询将如下所示:

Insert into TargetTable(Number,Date,Customer,Quantity,[Order])
SELECT Number,Date,Customer,Quantity,[Order]
FROM OPENJSON ( @json )  
WITH (   
              Number   varchar(200)   '$.Order.Number',  
              Date     datetime       '$.Order.Date',  
              Customer varchar(200)   '$.AccountNumber',  
              Quantity int            '$.Item.Quantity',  
              [Order]  nvarchar(MAX)  AS JSON  

And you would bind the @json parameter with a NVarchar(max) (string) value like:您可以将 @json 参数与 NVarchar(max) (字符串)值绑定,例如:

    "Order": {  
    "Item": {  
    "Order": {  
    "Item": {  

An update would look something like:更新将类似于:

 with q as
    select t.Number, t.Quantity oldQuantity, j.Quantity newQuantity 
    from OPENJSON ( @json )  
    WITH (   
                  Number   varchar(200)   '$.Order.Number',  
                  Date     datetime       '$.Order.Date',  
                  Customer varchar(200)   '$.AccountNumber',  
                  Quantity int            '$.Item.Quantity',  
                  [Order]  nvarchar(MAX)  AS JSON  
          ) j
    join TargetTable t
      on j.Number = t.Number
 update q set oldQuantity = newQuantity

See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql请参阅: https : //docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/openjson-transact-sql

If you can't bind a parameter, then in a pinch you an include the JSON document as a literal string in your TSQL batch.如果您无法绑定参数,那么在紧要关头,您可以将 JSON 文档作为文字字符串包含在您的 TSQL 批处理中。

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