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[英]not able to show and hide div

 <ol class="novice">
    <p class="glava">HTML</p>
    <div class="vsebina">
        <p>Hyper Text Markup Language (slovensko jezik za označevanje nadbesedila...</p>

    <p class="glava">CSS</p>
    <div class="vsebina">
        <p>Cascading Style Sheets (kratica CSS) so predloge, ki določajo izgled ...</p>

When I click on the p class="glava" I want that the specific div that is located in this li is shown( .show() ) and all the others( div s) are hidden. 当我单击p class="glava"我希望显示位于此li中的特定div.show() ),并隐藏所有其他divdiv )。 I have around ten li . 我十点左右li

$("p.glava").click(function () {
    //$(everything else ).hide();

With Slide Toggle animation 带有幻灯片切换动画

$(".glava").click(function () {

With Fade Toggle animation 带有淡入淡出切换动画

$(".glava").click(function () {

And just to hide 只是躲起来

$(".glava").click(function () {

Numerous ways to traverse to isolate specific instance. 遍历以隔离特定实例的多种方法。 All start with this being the element instance of that class that was clicked 开始时都this是被点击的那个类的元素实例

$("p.glava").click(function () {

   // or
   // or
}) ;

References 参考文献

  1. next()
  2. parent()
  3. find()
  4. siblings()

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