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[英]Loaded image sequence flickers but only sometimes (Pygame)

First off, I have scoured the internet (including Stack Overflow) for an answer to my seemingly simple issue, but I have not found a fix that has worked for me. 首先,我搜寻了互联网(包括Stack Overflow)以解决我看似简单的问题,但是我没有找到适合我的解决方案。 I am attempting to make a simple top down game in pygame, and all worked well until I added in a walking animation for the player. 我试图在pygame中制作一个简单的自上而下的游戏,并且在我为播放器添加了行走动画之前,所有方法都运行良好。 The animation is fine except that it flickers at certain points. 除了在某些点闪烁外,动画还不错。

I have an idle animation for the player as well, but there is no flickering whatsoever. 我也为播放器设置了一个空闲动画,但是没有任何闪烁现象。 The idle animation has 2 frames, and the walking animations has 4, which brings me to suspect the problem lies within the number of frames. 空闲动画有2帧,行走动画有4帧,这使我怀疑问题在于帧数之内。

Below I have pasted the code where I believe the problem lies along with this link ( https://imgur.com/P1CzyRX ) to a gif of the walking animation. 下面,我将代码粘贴到了我认为问题所在的位置,并将此链接( https://imgur.com/P1CzyRX )粘贴到了行走动画的gif上。 If a zip file with the code and images would be best, I am more than happy to provide that as well. 如果最好是带有代码和图像的zip文件,我也很乐意提供。 Lastly, I am aware that some of my coding habits are not the best, such as using global variables, so I hope anyone reading through my code isn't too bothered by that. 最后,我知道我的一些编码习惯不是最好的,例如使用全局变量,所以我希望任何阅读我的代码的人都不会对此感到困扰。 Thank you so much, it means a lot! 非常感谢,这很重要!

class Player:
    def drawPlayer(self):
        global playerCounter, playerWalking

        if playerWalking == "false":
            if player1Facing == "front":
            if player1Facing == "back":
            if player1Facing == "right":
            if player1Facing == "left":

        elif playerWalking == "true":
            if player1Facing == "front":
            if player1Facing == "back":
            if player1Facing == "right":
            if player1Facing == "left":

    def loopWalking(self, animation):
        global playerCounter, currentPlayerStance

        if playerCounter <= playerWalkMax:
            screen.blit(animation[0], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "upright"
        elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 2):
            screen.blit(animation[1], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "crouch"
        elif (playerCounter > (playerWalkMax * 2)) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 3):
            screen.blit(animation[2], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "upright"
        elif playerCounter > playerWalkMax * 3:
            screen.blit(animation[3], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "crouch"
            if playerCounter >= playerWalkMax * 4:
                playerCounter = 0

        playerCounter += 1

    def loopIdle(self, animation):
        global playerCounter, currentPlayerStance

        if playerCounter <= playerIdleMax:
            screen.blit(animation[0], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "upright"
        elif playerCounter > playerIdleMax:
            screen.blit(animation[1], (player1X, player1Y))
            currentPlayerStance = "crouch"
            if playerCounter >= (playerIdleMax * 2):
                playerCounter = 0

        playerCounter += 1

player1 = Player()

done = 0
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while not done:
    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            done = 1

        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            player1XSpeed = 0
            player1YSpeed = 0
            if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                done = 1
            elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                if player1Facing != "left":
                    player1Facing = "left"
                player1XSpeed = -player1SpeedVal
                playerWalking = "true"
            elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                if player1Facing != "right":
                    player1Facing = "right"
                player1XSpeed = player1SpeedVal
                playerWalking = "true"
            elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                if player1Facing != "back":
                    player1Facing = "back"
                player1YSpeed = -player1SpeedVal
                playerWalking = "true"
            elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                if player1Facing != "front":
                    player1Facing = "front"
                player1YSpeed = player1SpeedVal
                playerWalking = "true"

        elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            playerWalking = "false"
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                player1XSpeed = 0
            elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                player1YSpeed = 0

    # Update player1 movement
    player1X += player1XSpeed
    player1Y += player1YSpeed

    if drawPlayer1 == "true":



You're skipping some frames, 50 and 75. If playerCounter is 50, both of these conditions are False and you blit nothing. 您跳过了一些帧,分别为50和75。如果playerCounter为50,则这两个条件均为False并且不作任何处理。

elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 2):
elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax * 2) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 3):

You can fix the code by checking if the playerCounter is <= playerWalkMax : 您可以通过检查playerCounter是否为<= playerWalkMax来修复代码:

elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax) and (playerCounter <= playerWalkMax * 2):
elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax * 2) and (playerCounter <= playerWalkMax * 3):

I used some prints to figure out which frames were skipped: 我使用了一些照片来找出哪些帧被跳过了:

def loopWalking(self, animation):
    global playerCounter
    if playerCounter <= playerWalkMax:
        screen.blit(animation[0], (player1X, player1Y))
        print('blit 0', end=' ')
    elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 2):
        screen.blit(animation[1], (player1X, player1Y))
        print('blit 1', end=' ')
    elif (playerCounter > playerWalkMax * 2) and (playerCounter < playerWalkMax * 3):
        screen.blit(animation[2], (player1X, player1Y))
        print('blit 2', end=' ')
    elif playerCounter > playerWalkMax * 3:
        screen.blit(animation[3], (player1X, player1Y))
        if playerCounter >= playerWalkMax * 4:
            playerCounter = 0
        print('blit 3', end=' ')

    playerCounter += 1

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