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[英]get list of unique months from pandas column

Let's say I have the following pandas date_range : 假设我有以下熊猫date_range

rng = pd.date_range('9/1/2017', '12/31/2017')

I want to get a list of the unique months. 我想获得一份独特月份的清单。 This is what I've come up with so far but there has to be a better way: 到目前为止,这是我想出的,但必须有一种更好的方法:

df = pd.DataFrame({'date': rng})
months = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='M')).agg('sum').index.tolist()
formatted_m = [i.strftime('%m/%Y') for i in months]
# ['09/2017', '10/2017', '11/2017', '12/2017']

Note the dates will be stored in a DataFrame column or index. 请注意,日期将存储在DataFrame列或索引中。

Use numpy.unique because DatetmeIndex.strftime return numpy array : 使用numpy.unique是因为DatetmeIndex.strftime返回numpy array

rng = pd.date_range('9/1/2017', '12/31/2017')
print (np.unique(rng.strftime('%m/%Y')).tolist())
['09/2017', '10/2017', '11/2017', '12/2017']

If input is column of DataFrame use Anton vBR's solution : 如果输入是DataFrame的列, DataFrame使用Anton vBR的解决方案


Or drop_duplicates : drop_duplicates


Timings : 时间

All solution have same performance - unique vs drop_duplicates: 所有解决方案都具有相同的性能-唯一vs. drop_duplicates:

rng = pd.date_range('9/1/1900', '12/31/2017')

df = pd.DataFrame({'date': rng})

In [54]: %timeit (df['date'].dt.strftime("%m/%y").unique().tolist())
1 loop, best of 3: 469 ms per loop

In [56]: %timeit (df['date'].dt.strftime("%m/%y").drop_duplicates().tolist())
1 loop, best of 3: 466 ms per loop

Yes or this: 是或这个:

#['09/17', '10/17', '11/17', '12/17']

Do not need to build the df 不需要建立df

Out[861]: [201712, 201710, 201711, 201709]

Updated : 更新 :

Out[865]: {201709, 201710, 201711, 201712}

I usually use this one and I think it's quite straightforward: 我通常使用这个,我认为它很简单:


Edit: Probably not relevant any longer, but just for the sake of completeness: 编辑:可能不再相关,但仅出于完整性考虑:

set([str(year)+str(month) for year , month in zip(rng.year,rng.month)])

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