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[英]Wait for the ie page to load with

Help me please. 请帮帮我。 Can I somehow help angular.element wait until the IE web page is fully loaded DOM? 我可以以某种方式帮助angular.element等到IE网页完全加载DOM吗? In my VBA macro, for example, I click the buttons on the site with this code: 例如,在我的VBA宏中,使用以下代码单击网站上的按钮:

oie.document.parentWindow.execScript "angular.element('[data-ng-click=""showText()""]').triggerHandler('click');"

Is it possible to use the same code after pressing the button to wait for the full load DOM in IE page? 按下按钮以等待IE页面中的满载DOM后,是否可以使用相同的代码?

UPD: on the site after clicking the buttons, a dynamic DOM change occurs and I need to wait for the end of the dynamic change DOM and the page load. UPD:单击按钮后,在网站上发生了动态DOM更改,我需要等待动态更改DOM和页面加载结束。

you can use angular.element to target document ready. 您可以使用angular.element定位目标文档。 the callback function will then execute once the DOM is loaded. DOM加载后,回调函数将执行。

angular.element(document).ready(function () {

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