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开发人员对Google Assistant会话历史记录的访问权限

[英]Developer Access to Google Assistant Conversation History

I am developing a Google Assistant app for Google Home, and about to launch the app. 我正在为Google Home开发一个Google Assistant应用,并将要启动该应用。 I am wondering, once my app is live on the Google Assistant platform, whether I (as a developer) would have access to all of the conversation histories as users interact with my app. 我想知道,当我的应用程序在Google Assistant平台上发布后,当用户与我的应用程序进行交互时,我(作为开发人员)是否可以访问所有对话历史记录。

If so, does Actions on Google / Google have some sort of interface to view / download the history? 如果是这样,Google / Google上的Actions是否具有某种界面来查看/下载历史记录? Or, do I have to log and capture the history myself? 或者,我必须自己记录并捕获历史记录吗? I thought the history will be really helpful for me to improve my app. 我认为历史记录对我改善应用程序非常有帮助。

Many thanks! 非常感谢!

It depends a bit on how you have built your Action. 这取决于您如何构建Action。

If you have built it with one of the templates - then no, you don't have access to the conversations. 如果您使用其中一个模板构建了该模板-否,则您无权访问对话。

If you have built it with the Actions SDK or with Dialogflow, then you will have access to quite a bit of information that is delivered to your fulfillment webhook. 如果您是使用Actions SDK或Dialogflow构建的,则可以访问传递到实现Webhook的大量信息。 If you have intents that do not send anything to your webhook - you will not get that information. 如果您的意图没有将任何内容发送到您的网络挂钩-您将不会获得该信息。

There are tools that help you examine conversation flow, see where users get stuck or fall out of the conversation, or how they're using your Action. 有一些工具可帮助您检查对话流程,查看用户在哪些地方陷入对话或陷入对话,或者他们如何使用您的操作。 Most of them have good integration with the Actions on Google libraries. 它们中的大多数与Google库上的Actions集成良好。 I use a combination of Chatbase, Dashbot.io, and Google Analytics. 我结合使用了Chatbase,Dashbot.io和Google Analytics(分析)。

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