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[英]Fetching data from JSON in Angular2 not working

I'm trying to fetch data from a JSON File that I have in my assets folder in Angular 2, but it's not showing it. 我正在尝试从Angular 2的资产文件夹中的JSON文件中获取数据,但未显示。 I want to get the data from the following JSON file: 我想从以下JSON文件中获取数据:

test.json test.json

    "{'id': 1, 'building': 'Edificio 4', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 1, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 2, 'building': 'Edificio 15', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 0, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 3, 'building': 'Edificio 15', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 1, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 4, 'building': 'Edificio 2', 'zone': 'C', 'floor': 2, 'school': 2}",
    "{'id': 5, 'building': 'Edificio 2', 'zone': 'B', 'floor': 3, 'school': 2}",
    "{'id': 6, 'building': 'Edificio 7', 'zone': 'J', 'floor': 7, 'school': 2}"

The component where I'm trying to do it is this one: 我正在尝试执行的组件是这个组件:

locker.component.ts locker.component.ts

import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

//this is the data class
class Place{
  constructor(public id: string, public building: string, public zone: string, public floor: string, public school: string) { }

  selector: 'app-locker',
  template: `
  //here i have a template
  styleUrls: ['./locker.component.css'],


export class LockerComponent implements OnInit {

  places: Place[];
//if I manually add the data by hand here it works,
//I want to fetch the JSON data to this array

  campus: String;
  building: String;
  floor: String;
  zone: String;
  type: String;

  buildings = [];
  floors = [];
  zones = [];
  types = [];

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.http.get('./assets/test.json').subscribe(data => {
    this.places = data;

I also have imported HttpClientModule in my app.component.ts as stated in https://angular.io/guide/http https://angular.io/guide/http中所述,我还在我的app.component.ts中导入了HttpClientModule。

I've read other stackoverflow answers to similar questions, but they don't seem to work, and answers are kind of blurry because they don't show all the code but only snippets. 我已经阅读了其他关于类似问题的stackoverflow答案,但它们似乎不起作用,并且答案有点模糊,因为它们不显示所有代码,而仅显示摘要。

Any ideas on why this is not working? 有什么想法为什么不起作用?

I also put here the function I'm using to show the data on one of the selects based on what I chose in the other: 我还在此处使用了我要根据另一个选择中的一个显示数据的函数:

onChangeCampus(event: any){
    const campus = event.target.value;
    this.buildings.length = 0;
    this.floors.length = 0;
    this.zones.length = 0;
    this.types.length = 0;
    for(let i of this.places){
      if (i.school == campus && !(this.buildings.indexOf(i.building) > -1)){

You should define the return value of the request: 您应该定义请求的返回值:

 this.http.get<Place[]>('./assets/test.json').subscribe(data => {
   this.places = data;

You can call the json file through httpClient module by calling to : 您可以通过httpClient模块调用json文件,方法是:

    return this.http.get('http://localhost:4200/assets/file.json');

and you have to keep the file in the assets folder so that you can access it . 并且必须将文件保留在Assets文件夹中,以便可以访问它。 i hope that will help. 我希望这会有所帮助。

Just like Lucas aswered your first problem was with return value type 就像卢卡斯(Lucas)提出的那样,您的第一个问题就是返回值类型

this.http.get<Place[]>('./assets/test.json').subscribe(data => {
   this.places = data;

I believe you test.json format is little off too. 我相信您的test.json格式也差不多。

    "{'id': 1, 'building': 'Edificio 4', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 1, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 2, 'building': 'Edificio 15', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 0, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 3, 'building': 'Edificio 15', 'zone': 'Sin zonas', 'floor': 1, 'school': 1}",
    "{'id': 4, 'building': 'Edificio 2', 'zone': 'C', 'floor': 2, 'school': 2}",
    "{'id': 5, 'building': 'Edificio 2', 'zone': 'B', 'floor': 3, 'school': 2}",
    "{'id': 6, 'building': 'Edificio 7', 'zone': 'J', 'floor': 7, 'school': 2}"

When it should be something like this. 什么时候应该是这样的。 I removed the wrapping " marks and changed ' to " marks 我删除了包装的“标记”,并将“更改为”标记

  {"id": 1, "building": "Edificio4", "zone": "Sin zonas", "floor": 1, "school": 1},
  {"id": 2, "building": "Edificio15", "zone": "Sin zonas", "floor": 0, "school": 1},
  {"id": 3, "building": "Edificio15", "zone": "Sin zonas", "floor": 1, "school": 1},
  {"id": 4, "building": "Edificio2", "zone": "C", "floor": 2, "school": 2},
  {"id": 5, "building": "Edificio2", "zone": "B", "floor": 3, "school": 2},
  {"id": 6, "building": "Edificio7", "zone": "J", "floor": 7, "school": 2}

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