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Django ORM拆分名称并搜索

[英]Django ORM split the name and search

I have a model named Suburb. 我有一个名为Suburb的模型。 with one field called name. 与一个名为名称的字段。

name of the suburb can be mulitple words say "East west country". 郊区的名称可以用多个单词说“东西方国家”。 I want all the records whose part words starts with given string. 我想要所有单词以给定字符串开头的记录。

class Suburb(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(_('suburb name'), blank=False, max_length=200)

search_string = "we"

# Give me all records whose part words starts with "search_string"

Suburb.objects.filter(...) # with ignore case ??? 

1) "East west one"
2) "We east two"
3) "North south three"

result should be 1) and 2) 

I have a pythonic solution. 我有一个pythonic解决方案。 but its performance is quite bad. 但是它的性能还是很差的。


Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Best Django solution without engaging Full Text Search or search engine would be to use icontains 不使用全文搜索或搜索引擎的最佳Django解决方案是使用icontains

So in your case 所以你的情况


Edit : for start of each word use iregex: 编辑 :对于每个单词的开头,请使用iregex:

For mysql [[:<:]] signifies start of word 对于mysql [[:<:]]表示单词的开头

So something like this would be solution 所以像这样的解决方案

Suburb.objects.filter.(name__iregex=r'[[:<:]]' + re.escape(search_string)

Also note that following solution doesn't scale as there is wildcard regex 另请注意,以下解决方案无法扩展,因为存在通配符正则表达式

You can use a combination of istartswith and icontains with the Q object 您可以将istartswithicontainsQ对象结合使用

search_string = 'we'
Sample.objects.filter(Q(name__istartswith=search_string) | Q(name__icontains=' ' + search_string))

With this solution I am assuming that your words are always delimited by a space character. 通过这种解决方案,我假设您的单词始终以空格字符分隔。

Using the iregex filter as another option which could be used but I have not created an example for. 使用iregex过滤器作为可以使用的另一个选项,但我尚未为其创建示例。

Search by part word: 按零件词搜索:

search_string = "we"
Suburb.objects.filter(name__icontains = search_string)
    1) "East west one"
    2) "We east two"

Search from starting word: 从起始词搜索:

search_string = "we"
Suburb.objects.filter(name__startswith = search_string)
    2) "We east two"

Search exact work: 搜索确切的工作:

search_string = "we"
Suburb.objects.filter(name__iexact = search_string)
Result: no result
search_string = "We east two"
2) "We east two"

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