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[英]XElement.Parse and special characters in attribute

I have a string containing xml eg: 我有一个包含xml的字符串,例如:

<Person Name="Molly O&apos;Mahony" />

I want to convert this to an XElement, maintaining the & apos ; 我想将其转换为XElement并保持& apos ; and not converting it to ' 而不是将其转换为“

using 使用


creates the element <Person Name="Molly O'Mahony" /> Is this possible? 创建元素<Person Name="Molly O'Mahony" />这可能吗?

Here we go: 开始了:

var txt = "<Person Name=\"Molly O&apos;Mahony\" />";

var e  = XElement.Parse(txt, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
var li = (IXmlLineInfo) e.Attribute("Name");

// li.LinePosition points to first char of the attribute: Name="Molly O&apos;Mahony"
//                                                        ^

var start = txt.IndexOf('"', li.LinePosition) + 1;  
var end   = txt.IndexOf('"', start);
var len   = end - start;

var attr  = txt.Substring(start, len); // Molly O&apos;Mahony

You might need to adjust the code to make it work with multi-line text. 您可能需要调整代码以使其与多行文本一起使用。

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