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[英]Can't access db after adding to Heroku

I can't access my Postgres tables since putting my app on Heroku. 自将我的应用程序放在Heroku上以来,我无法访问Postgres表。 I checked the logs with heroku logs --tail and saw this error 我用heroku logs --tail检查了日志,并看到此错误

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "companies" does not exist

I've run as many different rake combinations of drop create migrate seed , and reset as I can think of with no luck. 我已经运行许多不同的rake的组合drop create migrate seed ,并reset为我能想到的,没有运气。

I created a new endpoint on that app ( /api/v1/testing/ ) and I was able to access that endpoint with no problem. 我在该应用程序( /api/v1/testing/ )上创建了一个新端点,并且能够毫无问题地访问该端点。

I am still able to access all of the tables on the db locally when I run rails s . 运行rails s时,我仍然可以在本地访问数据库上的所有表。

I don't know which files from my app would be helpful to solve this problem but I am happy to add any detail that would be helpful. 我不知道应用程序中的哪些文件有助于解决此问题,但我很乐意添加任何有用的细节。

I'm guessing you didn't run: 我猜你没跑:

heroku run rake db:migrate --app your_app_name

(replacing your_app_name , naturally.) (自然地替换your_app_name 。)

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