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[英]Reading another file in the same directory as the current file (VS Code)

I am creating a language server and currently have a list of static/preloaded completion items. 我正在创建语言服务器,当前有一个静态/预加载的完成项目列表。 This language server will activate on any .script file. 该语言服务器将在任何.script文件上激活。 In the same directory there will exist a .map file (arbitrary extension, I am not referring to JS source map files). 在同一目录中,将存在一个.map文件(任意扩展名,我不是指JS源映射文件)。 The map file is just a plain text document that contains a list of classnames and names (for each 'entity'). 映射文件只是一个纯文本文档,其中包含类名和名称(每个“实体”)的列表。 A typical entry might look like this: 一个典型的条目可能如下所示:

// entity 237
"classname" "func_static"
"name" "func_static_237"
"origin" "200 179.5 -181"
"rotation" "0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1"

I'm trying to add each name/classname pair to the completion list (name being the completion item label, and the classname being the detail). 我试图将每个名称/类名对添加到完成列表(名称是完成项标签,而类名是详细信息)。 Here is what I have done so far: 到目前为止,这是我所做的:

As there are unfortunately single cases of 'classname' on their own, I opted to use a regex that matches across both lines. 不幸的是,由于单独存在“类名”的单个情况,因此我选择使用跨两行都匹配的正则表达式。 Then I used two capture groups (one for name and one for classname) to push both into an array. 然后,我使用了两个捕获组(一个用于名称,一个用于类名称)将它们都推入数组。 I then iterate across each pair in the array and add it to the completion list. 然后,我遍历数组中的每一对,并将其添加到完成列表中。

The idea is that I am preloading variables from a map file into the corresponding script file (they'll both have the same filename and be in the same directory). 我的想法是,我正在将变量从映射文件预加载到相应的脚本文件中(它们都具有相同的文件名,并且位于同一目录中)。

The code looks like this: 代码如下:

'use strict';

import * as path from 'path';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as fs from 'fs';

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {


    // each pair will go into this
    var objArray = new Array;

    function readTextFile() {
        // load the map file
        var text = fs.readFileSync(context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('donkey.map')));
        // match classname and name
        var regex = /\"classname\"\s\"(\w+)\"(?:\r\n|[\r\n])\"name\"\s\"(\w+)\"/g
        getMatches(text.toString(), regex);

    function getMatches(string: string, regex: RegExp) {
        var match;
        while (match = regex.exec(string)){
            // capture group 1 = classname
            // capture group 2 = name
            // pushing name first because it's more important
            objArray.push([match[2], match[1]]);

    var loop1 = function (i: number) {
        // create a new completion item
        vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider('quadscript', {
            provideCompletionItems: function () {
                var compItem = new vscode.CompletionItem(objArray[i][0], vscode.CompletionItemKind.Variable);
                compItem.insertText = ("$" + objArray[i][0]);
                compItem.detail = (objArray[i][1]);
                return [

    for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {


When I debug the extension in the Extension Development Host, the debug console shows this: 在扩展开发主机中调试扩展时,调试控制台将显示以下内容:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe --debugBrkPluginHost=37535 --debugId=cfbf2c6d-c313-46fa-8c44-4e64f44eb97f --extensionDevelopmentPath=c:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\VSCode\\quadscript C:\\ Program Files \\ Microsoft VS Code \\ Code.exe --debugBrkPluginHost = 37535 --debugId = cfbf2c6d-c313-46fa-8c44-4e64f44eb97f --extensionDevelopmentPath = c:\\ Users \\ fyrewire \\ Documents \\ VSCode \\ quadscript

And then when I type func they show up as expected showing they were sucessfully read from the file (which exists at c:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\VSCode\\quadscript\\donkey.map , corresponding to the extensionDevelopmentPath as seen in the debug console). 然后,当我键入func时,它们将按预期显示,表明它们已成功从文件中读取(该文件位于c:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\VSCode\\quadscript\\donkey.map ,与调试控制台中所示的extensionDevelopmentPath对应) )。


I next went to c:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\test and moved the donkey.script and donkey.map files here, then packaged and installed the extension. 接下来,我去c:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\test并将donkey.scriptdonkey.map文件移到此处,然后打包并安装了扩展名。 When I went into the script file and brought up the completion list, the func_static items were not there. 当我进入脚本文件并显示完成列表时,func_static项不存在。 I think this is because it is trying to read from where the extension is installed in .vscode\\extensions\\<extension>\\donkey.map which now doesn't exist as I moved the file. 我认为这是因为它正在尝试从.vscode\\extensions\\<extension>\\donkey.map安装扩展名的位置读取,该位置在我移动文件时现在不存在。

So I tried to change the path from where I was reading the map file and used an absolute path as a test. 因此,我尝试更改读取地图文件的路径,并使用绝对路径作为测试。

var text = fs.readFileSync("file:///C:/Users/thefyrewire/Documents/test/donkey.map");

When debugging I get returned this: 调试时,我得到以下信息:

ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\file:\\C:\\Users\\thefyrewire\\Documents\\test\\donkey.map'. ENOENT:没有此类文件或目录,请打开“ C:\\ Program Files \\ Microsoft VS Code \\ file:\\ C:\\ Users \\ thefyrewire \\ Documents \\ test \\ donkey.map”。 Close Warn 关闭警告

Using a relative path like so: 使用类似的相对路径:

var text = fs.readFileSync("./donkey.map");

Returns: 返回值:

ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\donkey.map'. ENOENT:没有此类文件或目录,请打开“ C:\\ Program Files \\ Microsoft VS Code \\ donkey.map”。 Close Warn 关闭警告

I tried multiple other fs methods and it appears to only start reading from C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code . 我尝试了多种其他fs方法,但它似乎仅从C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code开始读取。

So finally my question: what do I need to do in order to allow my extension to dynamically read from the same directory as whatever script file is loaded? 所以,最后是我的问题:为了使扩展名能够与加载了任何脚本文件的目录相同地动态读取,我该怎么办? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you! 任何建议将不胜感激,谢谢!

Edit: I realise this is unclear. 编辑:我知道这还不清楚。 By 'script file' I don't mean a JS script file, it's again part of the custom language (hence the language server). “脚本文件”并不是指JS脚本文件,它还是自定义语言的一部分(因此是语言服务器)。

You can use __dirname 您可以使用__dirname

var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')

var text = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, donkey.map));

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