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尝试在XAML中引用WPF扩展工具包的Visual Studio 2017错误

[英]Error in Visual Studio 2017 trying to reference the WPF Extended Toolkit in XAML

I am attempting to use the WPF Extended Toolkit. 我正在尝试使用WPF扩展工具包。 I downloaded it and it is currently sitting in my project folder. 我下载了它,目前它位于我的项目文件夹中。


I right clicked the .dll file and checked "Unblock" following this answer. 我右键单击.dll文件,然后按照答案检查了“取消阻止”。 I have it referenced in my Visual Studio project. 我在我的Visual Studio项目中引用了它。


I have it named WPF Extended Toolkit in my Toolbox. 我在工具箱中将其命名为WPF Extended Toolkit。


I have the namespace in my XAML file. 我的XAML文件中有名称空间。


When I try to use it in my XAML file, I'm getting the blue squiggly line stating, "The type toolkit:BusyIndicator was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built." 当我尝试在XAML文件中使用它时,出现一条蓝色的波浪线,指出“未找到type toolkit:BusyIndi​​cator。请验证您没有丢失程序集引用,并且所有引用的程序集均已构建。”


I'm very new to this, since I've only used what was available by default in WPF apps. 我对此很陌生,因为我只使用了WPF应用程序默认提供的功能。 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? 有人可以告诉我我在做什么错吗? I thought I covered everything needed to get this going. 我以为我已经涵盖了实现这一目标所需的一切。

I figured it out! 我想到了! I found this answer ! 我找到了这个答案

Before adding the namespace, I rebuilt my project, then I added the namespace. 添加名称空间之前 ,我重建了项目, 然后添加了名称空间。 IntelliSense picked it up and I was able to add my Busy Indicator. IntelliSense捡起它,就可以添加忙碌指示器。

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