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[英]Dynamically set binding in aurelia

I want to achieve something like this in Aurelia: 我想要在Aurelia中实现以下目标:

pseudo code: 伪代码:

   <div repeat.for="column of columns">
     <input value.bind="company.[column]">

I guess I would need to do something like this: 我想我需要做这样的事情:

https://github.com/aurelia/framework/issues/102 https://github.com/aurelia/framework/issues/102

But was wondering if there maybe is a simpler or more straightforward way? 但是想知道是否有更简单或更直接的方法?

As far as I can see, all you have to do is remove the dot between company and column: 据我所知,您要做的就是删除公司和列之间的点:

<input value.bind="company[column]">

Here's a GistRun Example 这是一个GistRun示例

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