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[英]How to show recycler view when i click an item in another recyclerview

I have used two Recyclerview inside a Recyclerview item. 我在Recyclerview项目中使用了两个Recyclerview My problem is I want to hide the recyclerview(kitchen grocery) of 1st item(fruits and vegetable) when the user clicks 2nd item (fruits and vegetable) and have to show that particular items recycled view. 我的问题是,当用户单击第二项目(fruits and vegetable)时,我想隐藏第一项目(水果和蔬菜)的recyclerview(kitchen grocery) ,并且必须显示特定项目的回收视图。 Herewith I have attached the images of my requirement for your understanding.Please tell me a solution .when I click the second item the first items recyclerview should hide.How to achieve this. 随函附上我需要理解的图像。请告诉我一个解决方案。当我单击第二个项目时,recyclerview应隐藏的第一个项目。如何实现此目的。 当我单击第二个项目时,第一个项目recyclerview应该隐藏。如何实现此目的。 Thanks in Advance. 提前致谢。

yes...Using Expandablelistview has solved my problem.here is the link for expandablelistview https://www.androidhive.info/2013/07/android-expandable-list-view-tutorial/ 是的...使用Expandablelistview解决了我的问题。这是expandablelistview的链接https://www.androidhive.info/2013/07/android-expandable-list-view-tutorial/

This tutorial will show expand of all item.So replace this code in main activity to expand one item. 本教程将显示所有项目的展开。因此,请在主活动中替换此代码以展开一个项目。

        expListView.setOnGroupExpandListener(new OnGroupExpandListener() {

        // TODO Colapse Here Using this... in android
        int previousGroup = -1;
        boolean flag = false;

        public void onGroupExpand(int groupPosition) {

        //  Log.e("keshav", "onGroupClick is -> " + groupPosition);

                    listDataHeader.get(groupPosition) + " Expanded",

            if (groupPosition != previousGroup && flag) {
            previousGroup = groupPosition;

            flag = true;



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