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[英]Append content at the end in Kendo editor

Some time is headache when working with new plugins like kenodo editor. 使用诸如kenodo编辑器之类的新插件时,有些时间令人头疼。 In editor there is one method to append HTML element to editor, but it's normal behaviour is it append content at cursor position. 在编辑器中,有一种方法可以将HTML元素附加到编辑器,但是通常的做法是在光标位置附加内容。 To change this behaviour and customize that you want any content to be append at the end of editor. 要更改此行为并自定义您希望在编辑器末尾附加任何内容。

This type of customization can be acchived refer http://dojo.telerik.com/ApIFO/76 可以实现这种类型的定制,请参阅http://dojo.telerik.com/ApIFO/76

Here there is complete example showing how to append content at end of editor's last line no matter where your cursor lies. 这里有一个完整的示例,展示了无论光标位于何处,如何在编辑器的最后一行末尾添加内容。

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