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[英]Open multiple forms issue in Access

I got query to make some modification that enable user to open multiple instances of the form when they do search data. 我查询到进行一些修改,使用户在搜索数据时可以打开表单的多个实例。 I got manage to create a new module following Allen Browne guide and now I can open multiple instances of the spreadsheet which is good step forward but I cannot find solution how I can open that specific form. 我设法按照Allen Browne指南创建了一个新模块,现在我可以打开电子表格的多个实例,这是向前迈进的好一步,但我找不到如何打开该特定表格的解决方案。

In module I have got following code: 在模块中,我有以下代码:

Public clnClient As New Collection    'Instances of frmClient.
Function OpenAClient()
    'Purpose:    Open an independent instance of form frmClient.
    Dim frm As Form

    'Open a new instance, show it, and set a caption.
    Set frm = New Form_SurgeriesForm
    frm.Visible = True
    frm.Caption = frm.Hwnd & ", opened " & Now()

    'Append it to our collection.
    clnClient.Add Item:=frm, Key:=CStr(frm.Hwnd)

    Set frm = Nothing
End Function

And under my button I replaced bit: 在我的按钮下面,我替换了一下:

DoCmd.OpenForm "SurgeriesForm", acNormal

.. and usef following code: ..和usef以下代码:


I recon I need to add / change somehow the code below to be able to open multiple instances but do not have idea how to do it. 我确认我需要以某种方式添加/更改下面的代码,以便能够打开多个实例,但不知道如何执行。

DoCmd.OpenForm "SurgeriesForm", acNormal

I appreciate for any help with this as i got stuck and do not know how I can achieve this. 感谢您为我提供的任何帮助,我不知道该如何实现。

I think this is what you want?... 我想这就是你想要的?

With the button on your SurgeriesForm add this code to the On Click event to open a new instance of the form: 使用SurgeriesForm上的按钮,将此代码添加到On Click事件中,以打开表单的新实例:

Private Sub Command8_Click()
End Sub

This will create a new instance of the form each time you click the button. 每次您单击按钮时,都会创建一个新的表单实例。

Next, add a blank combo-box to the form and change it's Row Source Type to Value List . 接下来,在表单中添加一个空白组合框,并将其“ Row Source Type更改为“ Value List
Add this code to the form: 将此代码添加到表单中:

Private Sub Combo9_GotFocus()
    Dim frm As Variant

    Combo9.RowSource = ""

    For Each frm In clnClient
        Combo9.AddItem frm.Caption
    Next frm
End Sub

Now, when you click the drop-down it will list each form that you have created an instance of. 现在,当您单击下拉列表时,它将列出您创建实例的每个表单。

Finally, add this code to the form: 最后,将此代码添加到表单中:

Private Sub Combo9_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Now, selecting a form name from the combo-box will move the focus to that form. 现在,从组合框中选择一个表单名称会将焦点移至该表单。

NB: You'll need to update the name of the controls to match yours. 注意:您需要更新控件的名称以匹配您的控件。
NB2: Remember to open the first form using OpenAClient or it won't get listed in the combobox (as it's not in the collection). NB2:请记住使用OpenAClient打开第一个表单,否则它不会在组合框中列出(因为它不在集合中)。

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