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Woocommerce 结帐触发所有字段的验证

[英]Woocommerce checkout trigger validation of all fields

I am trying to trigger validation for the whole checkout form in woocommerce and do something based on having validation errors or not.我正在尝试在 woocommerce 中触发对整个结帐表单的验证,并根据是否存在验证错误做一些事情。

Unfortunately I didn't manage to do it.不幸的是我没能做到。 Anyone has any ideas?任何人有任何想法?

EDIT: To be more specific, on submitting the woocommerce checkout form.编辑:更具体地说,提交 woocommerce 结帐表格。 I want to check if all the shipping fields are valid, but prevent submitting the form because I want to process that form data further (but only if it's valid).我想检查所有运输字段是否有效,但阻止提交表单,因为我想进一步处理该表单数据(但前提是它有效)。

great hints in the comments.评论中有很好的提示。 Here is the actual working code, to save some time for future people:这是实际的工作代码,为未来的人节省一些时间:

// Trigger the validation of the fields (you can adjust and pick which fields are validated)    
jQuery('.validate-required input, .validate-required select').trigger('validate');

// Get which fields have failed validation
jQuery('.woocommerce-invalid-required-field').each(function(index, element){

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