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[英]Resolving Export / Imports

I have a Namespacing.js with something like the following 我有一个类似以下内容的Namespacing.js


    window.GlobalObject = {
        foo : function() { console.log("bar"); }


Then i have another MyScript.js 然后我有另一个MyScript.js

GlobalObject.newAttribute = { ... }

So i'm now bundling with webpack and i was tryng to use modules on this, but i couldnt manage to do so. 所以我现在与webpack捆绑在一起,我试图在此上使用模块,但是我无法做到这一点。

At Namespacing.js i added at the end: 我在Namespacing.js末尾添加了:

export default GlobalObject;

Then i tryed to import it in MyScript.js 然后我尝试将其导入MyScript.js

import GlobalObject from "Namespacing"

But then my webpack gets me an error 但是后来我的webpack给我一个错误

[14:58:44] GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript
Caused by: SyntaxError: Unexpected token: name (Kneat) (line: 1, col: 7, pos: 7)

Does any1 knows a good way of doing this export/import ? 有谁知道进行此导出/导入的好方法吗?

To switch to import / export , you can't just add exports to your existing files, you need to change their structure (ever so slightly). 要切换到import / export ,您不能仅将exports添加到现有文件中,您需要(略有更改)更改其结构。

For instance, Namespacing.js would have either: 例如,Namespacing.js将具有以下任一功能:

export const GlobalObject = {
    foo : function() { console.log("bar"); }

...to export a named symbol GlobalObject . ...导出命名符号GlobalObject That would be imported like this: 可以这样导入:

import { GlobalObject } from './Namespacing.js';

(You could use an as clause if you wanted a different name locally in the importing module.) (如果要在导入模块中本地使用其他名称,则可以使用as子句。)

Or you could export that object as the default export: 或者,您可以将该对象导出为默认导出:

export default {
    foo : function() { console.log("bar"); }

...and import it like this: ...并像这样导入它:

import GlobalObject from './Namespacing.js';

Note that in that case, you can use any name you want for GlobalObject in the module in which you're importing it (no need for as as clause). 请注意,在这种情况下,可以在要导入GlobalObject的模块中使用想要的名称作为GlobalObject (不需要as子句)。

Don't worry about the fact that it involves removing the IIFE; 不必担心删除IIFE的事实。 modules are inherently scoped, module code doesn't run at global scope. 模块具有固有的作用域,模块代码不能在全局范围内运行。

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