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Office 365上传用户照片

[英]Office 365 Upload User Photo

We want to upload photos for users from a third party application / site. 我们想从第三方应用程序/站点上为用户上传照片。 The user may or may not have a Office 365 Exchange mailbox. 用户可能具有或没有Office 365 Exchange邮箱。 The user may or may not be an external user. 该用户可以是外部用户,也可以不是。

We are currently uploading profile photos to the SharePoint Online User Profile Service, but are finding the results to be extremely inconsistent across tenants for different users (with / without Exchange mailbox and Internal / external users). 我们当前正在将个人资料照片上传到SharePoint Online用户配置文件服务,但是发现不同用户(使用或不使用Exchange邮箱以及内部/外部用户)的租户之间的结果极其不一致。

So, which API (officially) should be used to upload a profile photo? 那么,应该使用哪个API(正式)上传个人资料照片? Should it be Exchange, SharePoint UPS, Delve or Microsoft Graph? 应该是Exchange,SharePoint UPS,Delve还是Microsoft Graph?

I would look at uploading it into Exchange Online as that appears to be where the Microsoft provided PowerShell command ( Set-UserPhoto ) runs out of. 我将其上载到Exchange Online,因为这似乎是Microsoft提供的PowerShell命令( Set-UserPhoto )用完的地方。

To get around the fact that some of the accounts may not have mailboxes, you can provision them, set photo, then de-provision them. 要解决某些帐户可能没有邮箱这一事实,可以设置它们,设置照片,然后取消设置它们。

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