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如何使用Kubernetes和Gitlab CI / CD在Google Cloud Platform中部署登台?

[英]How to deploy staging in Google Cloud Platform with Kubernetes and Gitlab CI/CD?

I am playing with Docker , Kubernetes , Google Cloud Platform(GCP) and Gitlab recently to achieve CI/CD from commit to staging . 我最近与DockerKubernetesGoogle Cloud Platform(GCP)Gitlab一起玩,以实现从commitstaging CI/CD So far I have succeeded testing , building and pushing the image to Container registry of Gitlab . 到目前为止,我已成功testingbuilding并将映像pushing送到Container registry of Gitlab

I have a small node and docker application which output 'Hello world' . 我有一个小节点和docker应用程序,输出'Hello world' Also, I have built my docker image in Container registry of Gitlab . 另外,我已经在Container registry of Gitlab At this moment the process is docker-in-docker. 目前,该过程为docker-in-docker。 I want to push my image from Gitlab container registry to Kubernetes engine in GCP. 我想将我的映像从Gitlab container registryKubernetes engine GCP中的Kubernetes engine I have installed both kubectl and gcloud sdk . 我已经安装了kubectlgcloud sdk The Auto DevOps seems to be promising but I want to implement my own .gitlab-ci.yml file. Auto DevOps似乎很有前途,但我想实现自己的.gitlab-ci.yml文件。

Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml below: 这是我的.gitlab-ci.yml下面:

  - testing
  - build
  - staging

  CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/surajneupane55/node-app-
 CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/surajneupane55/node-

  stage: testing
  image: node:boron
  - npm install
  - npm test

  stage: build
  only: [master]
  image: docker:git
    - docker:dind
    - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN 
    - docker build -t $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE .
    - docker push $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE


//I need help here!!!
//For staging my project in Kubernetes cluster in GCP
//Already created node-app Kubernetes cluster

Please, let me know if my approach is wrong since this is my first learning project with CI/CD. 请让我知道我的方法是否错误,因为这是我在CI / CD的第一个学习项目。

A simple gitlab-ci.yml file to build and deploy in GKE with Google Container Registry(GCR) . 一个简单的gitlab-ci.yml文件,可使用Google Container Registry(GCR)在GKE中构建和部署。 First, we build image and push it to GCR. 首先,我们构建图像并将其推送到GCR。 With valid credentials, we can easily connect the GKE with GCR and deploy. 使用有效的凭据,我们可以轻松地将GKE与GCR连接并进行部署。

  - build
  - deploy

  CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE: gcr.io/node-testing-189614/node-testing:latest

  stage: build
  only: [master]
  image: google/cloud-sdk
    - docker:dind

    - echo "$GOOGLE_KEY_SECRET" > key.json # Google Cloud service accounts
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json
    - gcloud config set project node-testing-189614
    - gcloud container builds submit -t $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE .

  image: google/cloud-sdk
  stage: deploy
    - echo "$GOOGLE_KEY_SECRET" > key.json # Google Cloud service accounts
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json
    - gcloud config set project node-testing-189614
    - gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-b
    - gcloud config set container/use_client_certificate True
    - gcloud container clusters get-credentials node-testing
    - kubectl delete pods --all
    - kubectl apply -f staging.yml

    name: staging
    url: http://***.***.**.***:****/ //External IP from Kubernetes
  - master

Above we delete pods in GKE because we always want to update the image with the latest tag. 在上方,我们删除GKE中的Pod,因为我们一直想用最新的标签更新图像。 The best possible solution available so far is to delete the pods and let the staging.yml file creates new one if not available. 到目前为止,最好的解决方案是删除吊舱,并让staging.yml文件创建一个新的吊舱(如果不可用)。

Finally staging.yml looks like this: 最后, staging.yml如下所示:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: node-testing
  replicas: 2
        app: node-testing
      - name: node-testing
        image: gcr.io/node-testing-189614/node-testing:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - containerPort: 8080
        - name: gcr.io/node-testing-189614/node-testing

Yu do not need the image to actualy be stored in GCR to be able to use it in your GKE, although having it nearby is nice. Yu不需要实际将图像存储在GCR中就可以在您的GKE中使用它,尽管在附近有它很好。 You need a service account on gcloud so that you have a non expiring auth to GCR (or you need to use gcloud cli to auth to GCR) then just tag the image and push it. 您需要在gcloud上有一个服务帐户,这样您才能对GCR进行不过期的身份验证(或者您需要使用gcloud cli对GCR进行身份验证),然后只需标记图像并将其推送即可。

Running it on kubernetes is a different story, and I strongly encurage you to also look at Helm for creating installation charts for your application that can be reused for multiple environments. 在kubernetes上运行它是另外一回事了,我强烈建议您也了解一下Helm,它为您的应用程序创建了可在多个环境中重复使用的安装图表。

You can decouple your configuration from CI to make it more reliable and secure if you follow the GitOps approach. 如果遵循GitOps方法,则可以将配置与CI分离,以使其更可靠,更安全。

Please take a look at my answer to another very similar question . 请看一下我对另一个非常相似的问题的回答

For a more high-level overview, see also: 有关更高级的概述,请参见:

Disclaimer: I am a Kubernetes contributor and Weaveworks employee. 免责声明:我是Kubernetes贡献者和Weaveworks员工。 We build open-source and commercial tools that help people to get to production with Kubernetes sooner. 我们构建了开源和商业工具,可帮助人们更快地使用Kubernetes进行生产。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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