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[英]How to accept Bitcoin and USD payments using Stripe?


https://stripe.com/docs/sources/bitcoin https://stripe.com/docs/sources/bitcoin


I am trying to integrate Bitcoin payments to my code using Stripe. 我正在尝试使用Stripe将比特币付款集成到我的代码中。

From my understanding of the docs, I should create a Source object by creating a new form and on submit feed the data (in this case email and amount) to : 根据我对文档的理解,我应该通过创建新表单来创建Source对象,并在提交Feed时将数据(在这种情况下为电子邮件和金额)发送至:

  type: 'bitcoin',
  amount: 1000,
  currency: 'usd',
  owner: {
    email: 'jenny.rosen@example.com',
}).then(function(result) {
  // handle result.error or result.source

Then pass the result to the server to charge the Source object. 然后将结果传递给服务器以对Source对象收费。 Only issue: I don't see how to pass the result to the server. 唯一的问题:我看不到如何将结果传递给服务器。 Should I create a new handler ? 我应该创建一个新的处理程序吗?

var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
      key: 'key',
      locale: 'auto',
      name: 'website',
      description: 'Secure Payment',
      token: function(token) {

I am lost. 我搞不清楚了。

Here is the code I currently have that works perfectly for USD payments. 这是我目前拥有的代码,非常适合美元付款。

MY CODE: 我的密码:

clientside (payment.ejs) 客户端(payment.ejs)

<% include partials/header %>
<div class="background">
    <div class="message">
        <div class="paymentBlock">
            <h1 class="title">TITLE</h1>

            <form class="paymentForm" action="/payment/charge" method="POST">  
                <input id="inputAmount" class="amountInput" name="amount" type="number/>
                <input type="hidden" id="stripeToken" name="stripeToken" />
                <input type="hidden" id="stripeEmail" name="stripeEmail"/>
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="paymentButton" >Submit Payment</button>

<script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js"></script>


    var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
      key: 'key',
      locale: 'auto',
      name: 'website',
      description: 'Secure Payment',
      token: function(token) {

    $('#paymentButton').on('click', function(e) {


      var amount = $('#inputAmount').val();
      amount = amount.replace(/\$/g, '').replace(/\,/g, '');

      amount = parseFloat(amount);

      if (isNaN(amount)) {
        $('#error_explanation').html('<p>Please enter a valid amount in USD ($).</p>');
      else if (amount < 1.00) {
        $('#error_explanation').html('<p>Payment amount must be at least $1.</p>');
      else {
        amount = amount * 100;
          amount: Math.round(amount)
    // Close Checkout on page navigation
    $(window).on('popstate', function() {

<% include partials/indexScripts %>

serverside (payment.js) 服务器端(payment.js)

router.post("/", (req, res) => {

    var amount = req.body.amount;
    var object;
    var ARef = admin.database().ref("ref");
    var ARefList;
    amount = amount * 100; 

    var object = {
        amount: amount,
        email: email,
        inversedTimeStamp: now

        email: req.body.stripeEmail,
        source: req.body.stripeToken
    .then(customer =>
            amount: amount,
            description: "desc",
            currency: "usd",
            customer: customer.id
    .then(charge => 
            if (!dbAmount) { 
              dbAmount = 0; 
            dbAmount = dbAmount + amount/100; 
            return dbAmount; 
    .then( () =>
    .then ( () =>
    .then( () =>

Thank you to "pksk321" from the freenode IRC #stripe for helping me with this ! 感谢freenode IRC #stripe的“ pksk321”为我提供的帮助!

Apparently, all that was needed was to add bitcoin: true to the handler, like so : 显然,所需要做的就是在处理程序中添加bitcoin: true ,就像这样:

clientside 客户端

var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
      key: 'key',
      locale: 'auto',
      name: 'website',
      description: 'Secure Payment',
      bitcoin: true,
      token: function(token) {

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