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Twilio - 获取来电号码 C#

[英]Twilio - Get the incoming phone number with C#

In my C# asp.net core web api project I am using webhooks to capture the incoming voice call from my Twilio phone number.在我的 C# asp.net core web api 项目中,我使用 webhooks 从我的 Twilio 电话号码捕获传入的语音呼叫。 In addition to handling the call, I would like to notify the admin for the incoming call via email. To do this I need to get the incoming phone number.除了处理电话外,我还想通过 email 通知管理员来电。为此,我需要获取来电号码。 How do I do that?我怎么做?

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

public async Task<IActionResult> IncomingVoice(string digits)
    var response = new VoiceResponse();

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(digits))
        ... Handle the user selection

    response.Append(new Gather(numDigits: 1).Say("Welcome to ...! For sales, press 1. For marketing, press 2. For support press 3", voice: "alice", language: "en-GB"));

    //handle the lack of response
    response.Say("Please leave a message after the tone.  Hang up when finished.", voice: "alice", language: "en-GB");

    string phoneNumber = <??? INCOMING PHONE NUMBER ???>

    IRestResponse mgresp = await SendMGMessage(phoneNumber);

    return Content(response.ToString(), "application/xml");

Thank you.谢谢你。

After some digging around, I found this link: https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/twiml/twilio_request经过一番挖掘,我发现了这个链接: https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/twiml/twilio_request

In it, it is specified that the TwiML request includes a whole variety of parameters.其中,指定 TwiML 请求包括各种参数。 From there I was able to extract the phone number as:从那里我能够提取电话号码为:

string phoneNumber = Request.Form["From"];

Hope that saves you some research time.希望能为您节省一些研究时间。

In addition to dpdragnev's solution , you can print out all of the available values like this...除了dpdragnev 的解决方案之外,您还可以像这样打印出所有可用值...

public TwiMLResult Welcome()
  var lst = Request.QueryString.AllKeys
    .Select(key => new {Name = key.ToString(), Value = Request.QueryString[key.ToString()]})
  foreach (var v in lst)
    _logger.Info(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(v, Formatting.Indented));

NLog sample output: NLog 示例 output:

2019-05-07 17:00:36.7601|INFO|TwilioMvcDemo.Controllers.IvrController|{
  "Called": "+15555555555",
  "ToState": "CA",
  "CallerCountry": "US",
  "Direction": "inbound",
  "ApiVersion": "2010-04-01",
  "CallStatus": "ringing",
  "From": "+15555554444",
  "AccountSid": "CdEf567",
  "CalledCountry": "US",
  "CallerCity": "MARS OUTPOST",

I had a similar problem, but I am trying to solve this using Minimal Web API with .NET 6.我有一个类似的问题,但我正在尝试使用 Minimal Web API 和 .NET 6 来解决这个问题。

Twilio has this great tutorial: Twilio 有这个很棒的教程:

https://www.twilio.com/blog/sms-voice-do.net-6-minimal-api https://www.twilio.com/blog/sms-voice-do.net-6-minimal-api

But it didn't answer how to access the incoming phone number from inside the webhook.但它没有回答如何从 webhook 内部访问传入的电话号码。

I'm not sure how to convert from Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpRequest object to the preferred Twilio.AspNet.Common.SmsRequest object.我不确定如何从 Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpRequest object 转换为首选 Twilio.AspNet.Common.SmsRequest object。

The below code appears to work, but would welcome advice for a better approach.下面的代码似乎有效,但欢迎就更好的方法提出建议。

//app.MapPost("/smshandler", (SmsRequest incomingMessage) => SmsHandler(incomingMessage));  // does not work
app.MapPost("/smshandler", (HttpRequest request) => SmsHandler(request));

private static IResult SmsHandler(HttpRequest request)
            string from = request.Form["From"];
            string body = request.Form["Body"];

            DoWork(from, body);
            return Results.Ok();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return Results.Problem(ex.Message);

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