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[英]How retrive Process Privilege (windows drivers)?

I have an object of IRP and EPROCESS in my driver i want to know how can i retrieve process privilege (like normal or Administrator or SYSTEM ) from these structures ? 我的驱动程序中有一个IRP和EPROCESS对象,我想知道如何从这些结构中检索进程特权(例如normalAdministratorSYSTEM )?

 KPROCESSOR_MODE ProcessRequestorMode = pIrp->RequestorMode;
        if (ProcessRequestorMode == KernelMode)
            status = RtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&PRM, L"Kernel-Mode");
            status = RtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&PRM, L"User-Mode");
            //retrieving process previlage
        DBGMSG1("Processor Mode : %wZ   ", PRM);
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
            DBGMSG0("Can not convert RequestorMode to UNICODE_STRING\n");
            return status;

This information is stored in the process token. 此信息存储在过程令牌中。
You can get that using PsReferencePrimaryToken If the process is impersonating you can use PsReferenceImpersonationToken instead. 您可以使用PsReferencePrimaryToken获得该信息,如果该过程正在模拟,则可以改为使用PsReferenceImpersonationToken。 After that you simply query the token for the TokenUser using ZwQueryInformationToken . 之后,您只需使用ZwQueryInformationToken来查询TokenUser的令牌。

Good luck, 祝好运,
Gabriel 加布里埃尔

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