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在 Eclipse 中从 Spring:boot 项目创建 war 文件

[英]Create war file from Spring:boot project in Eclipse

I am pretty new to Spring Boot and I have completed a application that works well on my localhost.我是 Spring Boot 的新手,我已经完成了一个在我的本地主机上运行良好的应用程序。 As I have been told to deploy it outside my localhost on for example a webbhotel or simular I need to export the project as a war-file and not as a jar-file.正如我被告知将它部署在我的本地主机之外,例如 webbhotel 或 simular,我需要将项目导出为 war 文件而不是 jar 文件。

UPDATE!!更新!! I run the project as a Springproject generated in Spring Initialzr and using Eclipse as a IDE.我将项目作为在 Spring Initialzr 中生成的 Springproject 运行,并使用 Eclipse 作为 IDE。

In Eclipse I have followed the steps在 Eclipse 中,我遵循了步骤



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from Spring Boot Referencepage https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#howto-create-a-deployable-war-file来自 Spring Boot 参考页面https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#howto-create-a-deployable-war-file

In my project I use在我的项目中,我使用


Do I need to add the sprinng-boot-starter-tomcat dependency and add provided to that on aswell as tomcat-embed-jasper so that my dependency will be like this?我是否需要添加 spring-boot-starter-tomcat 依赖项并在 tomcat-embed-jasper 上添加提供的依赖项,以便我的依赖项是这样的?


When I try to export to war-file in Eclipse, Eclipse can't find my project.当我尝试在 Eclipse 中导出到 war 文件时,Eclipse 找不到我的项目。 It can find it if I try to export Java>JAR FILE but not if I try Web>WAR FILE如果我尝试导出 Java>JAR FILE 可以找到它,但如果我尝试导出 Web>WAR FILE 则找不到

Do anyone know what I am doing wrong and if it is neccesary to export to a WAR-file to deploy to a external server?有谁知道我做错了什么,是否需要导出到 WAR 文件以部署到外部服务器?

You need to extend ****SpringBootServletInitializer**** in your @SpringBootApplication您需要在 @SpringBootApplication 中扩展 ****SpringBootServletInitializer****

You don't need to add the ****sprinng-boot-starter-tomcat**** dependency for war file generation您不需要为战争文件生成添加 ****spring-boot-starter-tomcat**** 依赖项


Use below configuration in pom.xml在 pom.xml 中使用以下配置


Configure Build Path for your project and select JDK为您的项目配置构建路径并选择 JDK

Right click on project > Run As > Maven Install右键单击项目 > 运行方式 > Maven 安装

It will generate the war file inside target folder.它将在目标文件夹中生成war文件。


Copy this war and deploy to any web/application server (I have renamed it to demo.war).复制此战争并将其部署到任何 Web/应用程序服务器(我已将其重命名为 demo.war)。

You can access the app by using your host name followed by the port and app name.您可以使用主机名后跟端口和应用程序名称来访问该应用程序。


在 STS (Spring Tools Suite) 中生成 WAR 文件:Run as-> Maven Install

If you want to deploy spring boot project as war file you need follow three steps:如果要将 spring boot 项目部署为 war 文件,则需要执行以下三个步骤:

  1. Extends SpringBootServletInitializer扩展 SpringBootServletInitializer

     @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); } @Override protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) { return builder.sources(DemoApplication.class); } }

    if you are using multiple main class then define startup one如果您使用多个主类,则定义启动类

    1. Update packaging to war pom.xml将打包更新为 war pom.xml

       packaging war packaging
    2. Marked the embedded servlet container as provided.将嵌入式 servlet 容器标记为提供。 inside pom file.在 pom 文件中。

      Reference : Deploy a Spring Boot WAR to Tomcat Server参考: 将 Spring Boot WAR 部署到 Tomcat 服务器

After change to <packaging>war</packaging> in pom.xml .pom.xml更改为<packaging>war</packaging>后。

utilize the command: mvn package使用命令: mvn package

您也可以通过选择菜单File -> Export -> Web -> War file

I generated a war file by the following steps:我通过以下步骤生成了一个war文件:

  1. Add above dependency.添加上面的依赖。
  2. Open command prompt.打开命令提示符。
  3. cd into your project directory. cd进入你的项目目录。
  4. Run the command: mvn clean install .运行命令: mvn clean install

Then a war file will be generated in the target directory.然后会在目标目录下生成一个war文件。

If you are using maven, you can add tag to specify the type we want to create - jar or war.如果您使用的是 maven,您可以添加标签来指定我们要创建的类型 - jar 或 war。 After that in sts you trigger a maven build and specify the goals - clean install and specify the number of threads you want to run for the build.之后在 sts 中触发 maven 构建并指定目标 - 全新安装并指定要为构建运行的线程数。 In case you want to skip the test case you can give skipTest =true, or if you to run from command prommpt you can give -Dmaven.test.skip=true.如果你想跳过测试用例,你可以给skipTest =true,或者如果你从命令提示符运行,你可以给-Dmaven.test.skip=true。 Once done, war file will be generated under target folder.完成后,war 文件将在目标文件夹下生成。 (unless we specify a specific deployment folder) (除非我们指定特定的部署文件夹)

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