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使用Hibernate Criteria API返回每个组的第一行

[英]Use Hibernate Criteria API to return first row of each group

I am new to Hibernate and I am trying to write a criteria query to return the latest status of employee on a given date 我是Hibernate的新手,我正在尝试编写一个条件查询来返回给定日期员工的最新状态

id  |   Status  | status_date
1   |   Active  |   1/10/2017
2   |   Active  |   1/10/2017
1   |   Inactive|   5/10/2017
1   |   Active  |   9/10/2017

So I will be passing a date to the query and want to find the latest status of every employee on that date The expected result will be something like this 所以我将日期传递给查询,并希望找到该日期每位员工的最新状态。预期结果将是这样的

Example: For date 6/1/2017, this will be the returned data 示例:对于日期6/1/2017,这将是返回的数据

id  |   Status  |   Date
1   |   Inactive|   5/10/2017
2   |   Active  |   1/10/2017

I was able to add group by with id and order the rows by status date in descending order. 我能够使用id添加group by,并按状态日期按降序排列行。 Is there a way I can select only the top row for each group? 有没有办法可以只选择每组的顶行? I tried to use the max function on status_date but that does not work. 我尝试在status_date上使用max函数,但这不起作用。

CriteriaBuilder builder = this.entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Employee> cq = builder.createQuery(Employee);
Root<Employee> root = cq.from(Employee.class);

Since you want to output aggregation, not use aggregation as condition so you should not place it in having clause. 由于您希望输出聚合,因此不要将聚合用作条件,因此不应将其放在having子句中。 You must add the aggregation to selection list instead. 您必须将聚合添加到选择列表中。

First you must create aggregation result class (It's usual to different to your entity class): 首先,您必须创建聚合结果类(通常与您的实体类不同):

public static class StatusEntityResult {
    private String userId;
    private String status;
    private Date statusDate;
    // getter, setter, constructor with all parameters here

Then create a query using it as result: 然后使用它作为结果创建一个查询:

public List<StatusEntityResult> queryStatus() throws ParseException {
    // Date condition
    Date targetDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2017-10-06");

    CriteriaBuilder builder = this.entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();

    // Use StatusEntityResult as result
    CriteriaQuery<StatusEntityResult> cq = builder.createQuery(StatusEntityResult.class);
    Root<Employee> root = cq.from(Employee.class);

    // Select `id`, `status` and `max(status_date)`
    cq.multiselect(root.get("id"), root.get("status"), builder.max(root.get("statusDate")))
            .where(builder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("statusDate"), targetDate))

    return this.entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();

And the result is: 结果是:


Side note 边注

From what you wrote, you was attempting to use JPA Criteria , not Hibernate Criteria . 根据您的编写,您试图使用JPA Criteria ,而不是Hibernate Criteria For Hibernate Criteria solution, you can try to read @default locale suggestion 对于Hibernate Criteria解决方案,您可以尝试阅读@default locale建议

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