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[英]Unable to pass on data from json file to labels and datasets in chart.js

I'm trying to load JSON data externally and pass it on to datasets and labels. 我正在尝试从外部加载JSON数据,并将其传递给数据集和标签。

When I start the server I see the data being called in developer options, however, the same does not reflect in the bar graph. 当我启动服务器时,在开发人员选项中看到了正在调用的数据,但是在条形图中却没有反映出来。

I tried using fetch function to call my API but I don't know how to call it into the labels (which represent X-axis in chart.js) and to datasets (which represent the Y-axis in chart.js). 我尝试使用fetch函数调用我的API,但是我不知道如何将其调用到标签(在chart.js中代表X轴)和数据集(在chart.js中代表Y轴)中。

Moreover, I am unaware how to call an array data. 而且,我不知道如何调用数组数据。 I am calling the chartData into another chart file in which I have created a chart with all properties of bar and trying to call this chartData into my bar chart data using props. 我正在将chartData调用到另一个图表文件中,在其中创建了具有bar所有属性的图表,并尝试使用props将此chartData调用到我的条形图数据中。

Please correct me where I've been doing it wrong. 请纠正我做错了的地方。 Below is my code. 下面是我的代码。

    //Ajax calls here
    return fetch('https://api.myjson.com/bins/l5pw3')
             .then((response)=> response.json())
             .then((responseJson) => {
                     chartData: {
                         labels: [responseJson.keywordData.category],
                                 label: 'spectra',
                                 data [responseJson.keywordData.noOfSpectra],
                                      'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.6)'


render() {
     return (
           <div className="App">
            <Chart chartData={this.state.chartData} />

export default App;

It was a little bit hard to understand what you meant, but as I understood, you wanted: 理解您的意思有点困难,但是据我了解,您想要:

y - datasets x - categories y-数据集x-类别

and all datasets show the spectra property. 并且所有数据集都显示spectra属性。

If I understood it correctly, the problem was that you didn't map the properties to the corresponding fields: for example: labels: [responseJson.keywordData.category] , should be more like labels: responseJson.keywordData.map(k => k.category) , because you cannot explicitly state that all the fields are mapped and looped automatically. 如果我正确理解的话,问题是您没有将属性映射到相应的字段:例如: labels: [responseJson.keywordData.category] ,应该更像labels: responseJson.keywordData.map(k => k.category) ,因为您不能明确声明所有字段都已自动映射和循环。

The same was for the spectra property, you have to then map each object from the response and extract the spectra property ( you can now take only one value, cause there is only one spectra , but in the future, if there are more, you will have to map) spectra属性也是如此,然后您必须从响应中映射每个对象并提取spectra属性(您现在只能取一个值,因为只有一个spectra ,但是将来,如果有更多spectra ,您可以将需要映射)

I am adding a codesandbox example (a little notes in forward: for fetch I used axios (my own preferance, there is no difference) (you were using react, so I imported react-chartjs-2 ) 我添加了一个codesandbox示例(向前写一些注释:为了获取,我使用了axios(我自己的喜好,没有区别))(您正在使用react,所以我导入了react-chartjs-2

Code Sanbox Link: https://codesandbox.io/s/qk0r930p89 代码Sanbox链接: https ://codesandbox.io/s/qk0r930p89

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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