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[英]How to dynamically change import paths in webpack?

I have a set of exports that I normally import from one directory: 我有一组导出,我通常从一个目录导入:

import { myThing } from 'path/to/dir/es5/things'

However, if I run webpack with a specific NODE_ENV set, I would like the root of all such imports to be treated as es6 instead: 但是,如果我使用特定的NODE_ENV集运行webpack,我希望所有这些导入的根被视为es6:

import { myThing } from 'path/to/dir/es6/things'

How can I do this, eg have webpack dynamically resolve path/to/dir/es5/* to path/to/dir/es6/* ? 我怎么能这样做,例如让webpack动态地将path/to/dir/es5/*解析为path/to/dir/es6/*

You can use an alias for that. 您可以使用别名。

For example, in your webpack configuration, you can use something like: 例如,在您的webpack配置中,您可以使用以下内容:

const alias = {};
if (NODE_ENV === ...) {
    alias['path/to/dir/es5'] = 'path/to/dir/es6'

Further reading: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/ 进一步阅读: https//webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/

Here is my way of handling this stuff. 这是我处理这些东西的方式。

Built-in DefinePlugin coupled with env variable. 内置的DefinePlugin与env变量相结合。

in your package.json, add env variable in following way 在package.json中,按以下方式添加env变量

"script": "... webpack --env.SOME_ENV_VAR=value -p"

Then, add your DefinePlugin inside your webpack.config file 然后,在webpack.config文件中添加DefinePlugin

plugins: [

    new webpack.DefinePlugin({


Then you can use SOME_ENV_VAR as global variable inside your code 然后,您可以在代码中使用SOME_ENV_VAR作为全局变量

/* global SOME_ENV_VAR */    

const esX = SOME_ENV_VAR === value ? 'es5' : 'es6';

myThing = require(`path/to/dir/${esX}/things`)

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