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[英]How can I summarise numbers of levels (nlevels) in grouped data using dplyr?

I would like to use the summarise function in dplyr to extract the number of levels for each variable in my data frame, after grouping. 分组后,我想使用dplyr中的summary函数为数据框中的每个变量提取级别数。 Here is a replicate of the data frame: 这是数据帧的副本:


Here is the code I am using 这是我正在使用的代码

   d %>%
   group_by(x) %>%

But, this generates Y and Z columns that summarise the levels in the data frame 'd' rather than in the grouped data. 但是,这会生成Y和Z列,这些列汇总了数据帧d中而不是分组数据中的级别。

The data frame I would like to generate would look like this: 我想生成的数据帧如下所示:


Thank you! 谢谢!

You need n_distinct for that: 为此,您需要n_distinct

d %>%
  group_by(x) %>%
  summarise(total = n(),
            Y = n_distinct(y),
            Z = n_distinct(z))

The result: 结果:

# A tibble: 5 x 4
       x total     Y     Z
  <fctr> <int> <int> <int>
1      A     5     3     2
2      B     4     4     1
3      C     3     3     2
4      D     3     3     2
5      E     2     2     1

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