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[英]Where does pip install packages?

When I run pip list it tells me Pygame is installed, and I can import it: 当我运行pip list它告诉我Pygame已安装,并且可以导入它:


But when I view the folder that is supposed to hold the installed packages, Pygame is not there: 但是,当我查看应该包含已安装软件包的文件夹时,Pygame不存在:


(Note the other modules appear in the file, as expected) A search for 'pygame' in C:\\Python27 turns up nothing. (请注意,其他模块按预期出现在文件中)在C:\\ Python27中搜索'pygame'不会产生任何结果。

Where is Pygame installed? Pygame安装在哪里?

pip show pygame应该在"Location"下为您提供正确的指示。

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