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jQuery fadeTo()函数在两个元素上均无法正常工作

[英]JQuery fadeTo() function doesn't work correctly on both elements

I can't understand why the .quote-container opacity is higher than #new-quote if they are in the same fadeTo() function brackets and duration is the same. 我不明白为什么.quote-container不透明度为什么比#new-quote如果它们位于相同的fadeTo()函数括号中,并且持续时间相同。

What I mean, that during fadeTo() animation, .quote-container and #new-quote opacity should be same, for example: opacity: 0.12 and opacity: 0.12, so they should stop and start at the same time. 我的意思是,在fadeTo()动画过程中, .quote-container#new-quote不透明度应该相同,例如:opacity:0.12和opacity:0.12,因此它们应该同时停止并开始。 But now, it's like opacity: 0.12 and opacity: 0.20. 但是现在,它就像不透明度:0.12和不透明度:0.20。 #new-quote element opacity should be the same as the first element. #new-quote元素的不透明度应与第一个元素相同。

There is my codepen: See the Pen BJLPEV by Lukas ( @Kestis500 ) on CodePen . 还有就是我codepen:见笔BJLPEV由卢卡斯( @ Kestis500上) CodePen

Unfortunately, I can't upload a video showing what is going on but the css opacity on both elements are the same: 0. 不幸的是,我无法上传视频以显示正在发生的事情,但是两个元素的css不透明度相同:0。

This line of code should be broken somehow: 此行代码应以某种方式破坏:

getQuote().done(setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000), $(".quote-container, #new-quote").fadeTo(10000, 1));

$(".quote-container, #new-quote").fadeTo(10000, 1));

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

The issue is on these lines 问题在这些线上

$("body,  .button").animate({
  "background-color": colors[randomNumber]

$(".quote-text, .quote-author, #new-quote").animate({
  color: colors[randomNumber]

You are applying animate separately on #new-quote that cause delay in rendering. 您正在对#new-quote单独应用动画,这会导致渲染延迟。 Either remove animation on #new-quote or add dummy animation to .quote-container. 删除#new-quote上的动画或将虚拟动画添加到.quote-container。 Change the above to 将以上更改为

$("body, .button").animate({
  "background-color": colors[randomNumber]
  "padding": "2.5rem"

$(".quote-text, .quote-author, #new-quote").animate({
  color: colors[randomNumber]

  "padding": "2.5rem"

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