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.jar文件中的FileInputStream Javafx

[英]FileInputStream Javafx in .jar files

I am creating a Javafx application in Intelij and FileInputStream works perfectly. 我正在Intelij中创建Javafx应用程序, FileInputStream可以完美运行。 However, when I create a .jar file from the project and try to run it the code fails to run as it is unable to locate the file in the file input stream. 但是,当我从项目中创建一个.jar文件并尝试运行它时,由于无法在文件输入流中找到该文件,因此代码无法运行。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/settingStorage.bin"));

Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

There is always some issue accessing a file outside a jar, depending on where the file location is. 在jar之外访问文件始终存在一些问题,具体取决于文件位置。 You can check this SO question/answer to have an idea on accessing your file. 您可以检查该SO问题/答案以了解有关访问文件的想法。

Read properties file outside JAR file 在JAR文件之外读取属性文件

Try this: 尝试这个:

EDIT: Look at this again, I left part out. 编辑:再看一次,我遗漏了一部分。

ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(SomeClass.class.getResourceAsStream(“settingStorage.bin")));

This usually works for me. 这通常对我有用。 When I run this, it operates fine, in AND out of the development area. 当我运行它时,它可以很好地在开发区域之外运行。 Don't include /src, as when you call getResourceAsStream off a class, it already checks inside the jar. 不要包含/ src,因为当您从类中调用getResourceAsStream时,它已经在jar中进行了检查。

Cheers! 干杯!

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