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Spring Boot JPA不起作用

[英]Spring Boot JPA not working

I have a controller class which is below. 我有一个下面的控制器类。 I have a TagRepository interface which extends JPA repository which I am using to save TagReader instance to my DB and it works fine when I use it in my controller class. 我有一个TagRepository接口,该接口扩展了JPA存储库,该接口用于将TagReader实例保存到数据库中,并且在控制器类中使用它时可以正常工作。 However, when I try to use tagRepository in another class and try to save my TagReader object from there it throws a null pointer exception. 但是,当我尝试在另一个类中使用tagRepository并尝试从那里保存我的TagReader对象时,它将引发空指针异常。

The following logic works fine. 以下逻辑工作正常。

public class Controller {

TagRepository tagRepository;

Rfid6204Connection rfid6204Connection;

@RequestMapping(value = "/test")
public void testRepoController(){

    String tagid = "0x3504ACE6E0040E5147D516A6";
    String serial ="00333478";
    String departure ="2017-12-22T12:16:58.857";
    String type = "ISOC";

    TagReader tagReader = new TagReader(tagid,serial,departure,type,"5");


The following logic throws a null pointer exception. 以下逻辑引发空指针异常。

public class Rfid6204Connection{

    static TagRepository tagRepository;

    public static void test(TagReader tag){


Can someone please tell me what the issue is? 有人可以告诉我问题是什么吗?

I think you are using Rfid6204Connection.test as a static method. 我认为您正在使用Rfid6204Connection.test作为静态方法。 Spring doesn't work with Static methods. Spring不适用于Static方法。 It works with Objects instantiated by the Spring Container. 它与由Spring容器实例化的对象一起使用。 So change your Rfid6204Connection as below; 因此,如下更改Rfid6204Connection

public class Rfid6204Connection{

    private TagRepository tagRepository;

    public void test(TagReader tag){


And use it wherever you want as below; 并在以下任何位置使用它;

Rfid6204Connection rfid6204Connection;

// Within a method or constructor

You made the Autowired field static and when the class loader loads the static values, the Spring context is not yet loaded and your object is not correctly initialized; 您将Autowired字段设为 静态,并且当类加载器加载静态值时,Spring上下文尚未加载,并且您的对象未正确初始化。 remove the static keyword: 删除static关键字:

private TagRepository tagRepository;

you couldn't autowired static variables directly 你不能直接自动连接静态变量

then, you have some options. 然后,您有一些选择。 first, autowired instance of TagRepository and after dependency injection set a instance to static variable 首先,自动连接TagRepository实例,并在注入依赖项后将实例设置为静态变量

public class Rfid6204Connection {
private static TagRepository sTagRepository;

private TagRepository tagRepository;

public void init() {
    Rfid6204Connection.sTagRepository = tagRepository;

second prepare setter method of TagRepository and put a autowired 第二种准备TagRepository的setter方法并自动接线

public class Rfid6204Connection {

    private static TagRepository tagRepository;

    public void setTagRepository(TagRepository tagRepository) {
        Rfid6204Connection.tagRepository = tagRepository;


but originally ... you shoudn't autowire to static variables. 但是最初……您不应该自动连接到静态变量。

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