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[英]How to enable the Push Notification on Enterprise Network


Case i) I got an exception while running the below code connected with enterprise network running on virtual machine.案例 i) 在运行与在虚拟机上运行的企业网络连接的以下代码时出现异常。

        {  PushNotificationChannel channel = null;
            channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();

ie Timeout error while requesting for the Channel URI for push notification.即请求通道 URI 以进行推送通知时出现超时错误。

Case ii) Tried to get the url/server address which might be blocked by the enterprise network while connecting with WNS using fiddler but unfortunately was not successful.案例 ii) 尝试获取在使用 fiddler 与 WNS 连接时可能被企业网络阻止的 url/服务器地址,但不幸的是没有成功。

Note : If I use open network the above code works as charm .注意如果我使用开放网络,上面的代码就像魅力一样。

Looking for help, to fix the push notification issue on enterprise network.寻求帮助,以解决企业网络上的推送通知问题。 Also, if anyone knows how to get the WNS Server path/url which is being called when we requested for push channel uri.此外,如果有人知道如何获取我们请求推送通道 uri 时正在调用的 WNS 服务器路径/url。

I have replied this issue in this thread , you should make sure that your enterprise network do not have any policy which may block the following URLs.我已经在这个帖子里回复了这个问题,你应该确保你的企业网络没有任何可能阻止以下 URL 的策略。 You can contact your network administrator to check the firewall settings.您可以联系网络管理员检查防火墙设置。

1: The URL for Creating Channel URI: notify.windows.com 1:创建频道URI的URL:notify.windows.com

2: The URL for getting token: https://login.live.com/accesstoken.srf 2:获取token的地址: https : //login.live.com/accesstoken.srf

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