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[英]How can I make my website zoom out like this website?

I have started learning CSS and HTML therefore I am new to these languages.我已经开始学习 CSS 和 HTML,因此我是这些语言的新手。 And I've learnt how parts work such as the meta data attribute "width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1" which allows for the screen size to be adjusted according to the the device.而且我已经了解了部分是如何工作的,例如元数据属性"width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1" ,它允许根据设备调整屏幕尺寸。

Then I began working on my website however I came across the problem which I need help with :然后我开始在我的网站上工作,但是我遇到了需要帮助的问题:

The problem is that I tried to put the content of my webpage into a div and then tried to style it by adding paddings to the left and right side so the effect would be like this website : https://www.merlincycles.com/2问题是我试图将我的网页内容放入一个 div 中,然后尝试通过在左侧和右侧添加填充来设置它的样式,这样效果就像这个网站: https : //www.merlincycles.com/ 2

However when I did this and zoomed out, the content of the webpage (the header, logo, form etc) also moved to the edges of the page however what i want to do is create an effect like the website provided so that when the user zooms out the website gets smaller but the content stays in place.但是,当我这样做并缩小时,网页的内容(标题、徽标、表单等)也移动到了页面的边缘,但是我想要做的是创建一个类似于提供的网站的效果,以便当用户缩小网站变小,但内容保持不变。 Please try to zoom out on the website provided to get an idea.请尝试缩小所提供的网站以获得一个想法。

 * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { background-color: #f0f0f0; font: 100%/160% verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0em 0em 0em; } #container { padding-right: 10em; padding-left: 10em; } #header { padding: 0.75em 1em; background-color: black; text-align: center; color: #fff; } #header a { float: left; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #header a:hover { color: #fcab15; } #header div:first-of-type { float: right; } #header div:last-of-type { display: inline-block; } #header div:last-of-type span { margin-left: 0.5em; color: #fcab15; } #form-container { padding: 0.75em 1em 3em; background-color: #065671; text-align: center; } #form-container img { float: left; margin-top: -0.75em; position: relative; } #form-container form { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-top: 2em; margin-right: 20em; } #form-container form input[type="text"] { line-height: 2.5em; font-size: 1em; } #form-container form input[type="submit"] { /*Controls submit box*/ border-color: #008000; border-style: outset; background-color: #008000; line-height: 2.5em; font-size: 1em; } @media ( max-width:50em) { #header a, #header div:first-of-type, #header div:last-of-type { float: none; display: block; } } @media ( max-width:30.5em) { #form-container img { display: block; margin: none; } #form-container label { display: block; margin: 0.5em 0; } } @media (min-width:90.5em) { #header a, #header div:first-of-type, #header div:last-of-type { float: none; display: block; } }
 <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <a href="index.html"> Sign in/Register</a> <div>Need Help? : 02080207651</div> <div>FREE International shipping on<span>Selected Items</span></div> <!-- #header --> </div> <div id="form-container"> <img src="image/logo.png" alt="logo"> <form action="#"> <input type="text" id="textbox" name="textbox" required placeholder="Search Bike King..."> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <!-- #form-container --> </div> </div>

As I understand, you don't want your content to be scaled along with the page.据我了解,您不希望您的内容随页面一起缩放。 If I am right, instead of this:如果我是对的,而不是这样:

#container {
    padding-right: 10em;
    padding-left: 10em;

Edit it to look like this:编辑它看起来像这样:

#container {
    width: 980px;
    margin: 0 auto;

 * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { background-color: #f0f0f0; font: 100%/160% verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0em 0em 0em; } #container { width:980px; margin: 0 auto; } #header { padding: 0.75em 1em; background-color: black; text-align: center; color: #fff; } #header a { float: left; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #header a:hover { color: #fcab15; } #header div:first-of-type { float: right; } #header div:last-of-type { display: inline-block; } #header div:last-of-type span { margin-left: 0.5em; color: #fcab15; } #form-container { padding: 0.75em 1em 3em; background-color: #065671; text-align: center; } #form-container img { float: left; margin-top: -0.75em; position: relative; } #form-container form { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-top: 2em; margin-right: 20em; } #form-container form input[type="text"] { line-height: 2.5em; font-size: 1em; } #form-container form input[type="submit"] { /*Controls submit box*/ border-color: #008000; border-style: outset; background-color: #008000; line-height: 2.5em; font-size: 1em; } @media ( max-width:50em) { #header a, #header div:first-of-type, #header div:last-of-type { float: none; display: block; } } @media ( max-width:30.5em) { #form-container img { display: block; margin: none; } #form-container label { display: block; margin: 0.5em 0; } } @media (min-width:90.5em) { #header a, #header div:first-of-type, #header div:last-of-type { float: none; display: block; } }
 <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <a href="index.html"> Sign in/Register</a> <div>Need Help? : 02080207651</div> <div>FREE International shipping on<span>Selected Items</span></div> <!-- #header --> </div> <div id="form-container"> <img src="image/logo.png" alt="logo"> <form action="#"> <input type="text" id="textbox" name="textbox" required placeholder="Search Bike King..."> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <!-- #form-container --> </div> </div>

Of course, you can change the width.当然,您可以更改宽度。 I've set it to 980px for this example only and you should change it and set it however you want.我仅在此示例中将其设置为980px ,您应该更改它并根据需要进行设置。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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