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如何在 axios 的 a.then() 链中访问之前的 promise 响应?

[英]How do I access previous promise response in a .then() chain in axios?

I need access to responseA to get access to a field value further along the chained request.我需要访问 responseA 才能访问链式请求中的字段值。 How can that be done elegantly?怎样才能优雅地做到这一点?

            .then((responseA) => {
               // Do something with responseA
               return axios.put(signedUrl, file, options); 
            .then((responseB) => {
               // Do something with responseA & responseB
            .catch((err) => {

UPDATE: I should probably mention that in my first.then() I return another.network request.更新:我可能应该提到在我的 first.then() 中我返回了 another.network 请求。 And it has to happen in sequence.而且它必须按顺序发生。

What is happening inside the first .then() block? 第一个.then()块内部发生了什么? In theory, you could return the values you need from responseA to the second .then() block, as whatever you return from the first then block will be available as responseB. 从理论上讲,您可以将您需要的值从responseA返回到第二个.then()块,因为您从第一个then块返回的任何内容都将作为responseB可用。 In other words, it would look something like this: 换句话说,它看起来像这样:

        .then((responseA) => {
           // additional request/logic
           const moreData = someFunction()
           return { responseAdata: responseA.dataYouWant, moreData: moreData }
        .then((responseB) => {
           // now responseA values will be available here as well, e.g.
           // Do something with responseA & responseB
        .catch((err) => {

You have a number of options to do this. 您可以通过多种选择来执行此操作。

1) Break the chain 1)打破链条

let promiseA = axios.get(`/endpoint`) 
let promiseB = promiseA.then((responseA) => {
               // Do something with responseA

return Promise.all([promiseA, promiseB]).then(function([responseA, responseB]) {
        // Do what you must

2) Use await 2)使用等待

let responseA = await axios.get('/endpoint/')
// You can figure out the rest

You can use Promise.all : 您可以使用Promise.all

  responseA =>
  ([responseA,responseB]) => {
.catch((err) => {

If anyone is still facing problem then try as below:如果有人仍然面临问题,请尝试以下操作:

  axios.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/geo/1.0/direct?q=' + req.body.city + '&limit=1&appid=e43ace140d2d7bd6108f3458e8f5c')
            (response1) => {
                let output = response1.data;
                axios.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=' + output[0].lat + '&lon=' + output[0].lon + '&appid=e43ace1d1640d2d7bd61058e8f5c')
                    .then((weatherdd) => {
                        res.render('index.twig', { weatherdata: weatherdd.data, cityname: req.body.city, todaydatex: todayDate });
            err => {

Hint: As You can see I am using response1 which is returned from the first request and then defined a local variable with output and finally using the data in my next HTTP request (eg: output[0].lat)提示:如您所见,我正在使用从第一个请求返回的 response1,然后用 output 定义一个局部变量,最后在我的下一个 HTTP 请求中使用数据(例如:output[0].lat)


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