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[英]Add Object to beginning of collection VBA

This may have been asked before but I can't seem to find it... 这可能以前曾被问过,但我似乎找不到。

I have a class I created and a collection for each object of that class, when I added these objects to my collection I did not give each item a key and rather let VBA do that automatically. 我有一个我创建的类以及该类每个对象的集合,当我将这些对象添加到集合中时,我没有给每个项目一个键,而是让VBA自动执行。

Code below doesn't seem to work for me... 下面的代码似乎不适用于我...

ediData.StyleCollection.Add StoreStyleData(Range("A" & i & ":M" & i)), Before:=0

Tried this as well and not working either! 也尝试过这个,也不起作用!

ediData.StyleCollection.Add StoreStyleData(Range("A" & i & ":M" & i)), Before:=1


How can I add an item to the beginning of a collection rather than the end? 如何将项目添加到集合的开头而不是结尾? If I can't do that, how can I loop through a collection from the end instead of the start of it? 如果无法执行此操作,如何从末尾而不是从头开始遍历一个集合?

EDIT: 编辑:

Below I've included the Function for StoreStyleData 下面我包括了StoreStyleData的功能

Private Function StoreStyleData(rng As Range) As cPOStyle

   Set StoreStyleData = New cPOStyle
   With rng
      StoreStyleData.XRef = .Cells(1).value
      StoreStyleData.Season = .Cells(2).value
      StoreStyleData.Style = .Cells(3).value
      StoreStyleData.Color = .Cells(4).value
      StoreStyleData.Size = .Cells(5).value
      StoreStyleData.RetailPrice = .Cells(6).value
      StoreStyleData.Category = .Cells(8).value
      StoreStyleData.PO850Price = .Cells(9).value
      StoreStyleData.XRefPrice = .Cells(10).value
      StoreStyleData.Units = .Cells(11).value
      StoreStyleData.SubTotal = .Cells(12).value
      StoreStyleData.Description = .Cells(13).value
   End With

End Function


' StyleCollection Property
Public Property Get StyleCollection() As Collection
   If pStyleCollection Is Nothing Then Set pStyleCollection = New Collection
   Set StyleCollection = pStyleCollection
End Property
Public Property Let StyleCollection(value As Collection)
   Set pStyleCollection = value
End Property

Maybe try: 也许尝试:

StyleCollection.Add Item:=StoreStyleData(Range("A" & i & ":M" & i)), Before:=1

Does the below allow you to loop through collection backwards: 下面是否允许您向后循环浏览集合:

For i = StyleCollection.Count to 1 Step -1

'Debug.print StyleCollection.Items(i) or StyleCollection(i)

Next i

Untested, written on mobile. 未经测试,写在手机上。

Edit 1: 编辑1:

If StyleCollection.Count > 0 then

StyleCollection.Add Item:=StoreStyleData(Range("A" & i & ":M" & i)), Before:=1


StyleCollection.Add StoreStyleData(Range("A" & i & ":M" & i))

End if

If you want to get last item first, use backward loop: 如果要首先获取最后一个项目,请使用向后循环:

Dim x As Integer
Dim cls As New MyClass
Dim itm As Item
For x = MyClass.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
    Set itm = MyClass.Items(x)


WorkersCollection class: WorkersCollection类:

Private col As New Collection

Sub AddWorker(w As Worker)
    col.Add w
End Sub

Property Get Workers() As Collection
    Set Workers = col
End Property

Worker class: Worker类:

Private m_Name As String
Property Get Name() As String
    Name = m_Name
End Property
Property Let Name(v As String)
    m_Name = v
End Property

Test method: 测试方法:

Sub Test()

    Dim w As Worker
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim wcol As New WorkersCollection

    For x = 1 To 5
        Set w = New Worker
        w.Name = "Name" & x
        wcol.AddWorker w

    For x = wcol.Workers.Count To 1 Step -1
        Debug.Print wcol.Workers(x).Name


End Sub

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