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[英]Redux dispatch not firing

My call to the dispatcher isn't working. 我打给调度员的电话不起作用。 What I want to do is to fire a dispatcher in componentWillMount to update something in the initial state. 我要做的是在componentWillMount中触发一个调度程序,以在初始状态下更新某些内容。

I have my reducer set up as follows: 我的减速机设置如下:

// initial state
const pagesInitialState = {
    begin: false,
    basicInfo: false,
    location: false,
    education: false,
    summary: false


// action creator
const changePageStatus = (page) => ({

// dispatcher
export const dispatchShowPages = (page) =>
    dispatch => {
        console.log('not here');

// reducer
export default function (state = pagesInitialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case CHANGE_PAGE_STATUS:
            let pages = Object.assign({}, state);
            let pageToChange = action.page;
            if (pages.pageToChange === true) {
                pages.pageToChange = false
            } else {
                pages.pageToChange = true
            return pages
            return state

I have my routes set up as follows: 我的路线设置如下:

import React from 'react';
import {Route, Router} from 'react-router-dom';
import history from './history'
import Main from './components/containers/Main'

import { dispatchShowPages } from './reducers/loadPages'

class Routes extends React.Component {

  componentWillMount () {

  render () {
    return (
      <Router history={history}>
        <Main />    

export default Routes;

In a different file I have 在另一个文件中

    <Provider store={store}>
        <Routes />

I am hoping the dispatcher would change 'begin' in the initial state from false to true. 我希望调度程序将初始状态的“开始”从false更改为true。 But it doesn't seem to be to hitting that dispatcher. 但这似乎并不是要打击那个调度员。 It gets to dispatchShowPages but not in the dispatch. 它到达dispatchShowPages,但不在派发中。 My console.log('here') in the dispatcher isn't logging. 我的调度程序中的console.log('here')没有记录。 What am I wiring wrong? 我接线错了吗?

Your dispatchShowPages function is never called because your function is "curried" 永远不会调用您的dispatchShowPages函数,因为您的函数是“ curried”的

function mapDispatch (dispatch) {
  return {
    dispatchShowPages (page) {

export default connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(App)

I don't think you need dispatchShowPages in your reducer since you already have the action creator there. 我认为您不需要在reducer中使用dispatchShowPages ,因为您已经在其中创建了动作创建器。 All you need to do is to use the Redux's connect function like so: 您需要做的就是使用Redux的connect函数,如下所示:

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { changePageStatus } from './reducers/loadPages'

class Routes extends React.Component {

  componentWillMount () {

  render () {
    return (
      <Router history={history}>
        <Main />    

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  showPage: page => dispatch(changePageStatus(page))

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(Routes);

And don't forget to export changePageStatus out from your loadPages file. 并且不要忘记从您的loadPages文件中导出changePageStatus

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