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[英]how to distinguish function type with SFINAE

I'm reading book C++ Templates . 我正在读书C ++模板 It mentions SFINAE(substitution failure is not an error) principal can be used to detect function type. 它提到SFINAE(替换失败不是错误)主体可用于检测函数类型。 Code example: 代码示例:

template <typename T>
class IsFunctionT {
   typedef char One;
   typedef struct { char a[2]; } Two;
   template<typename U> static One test(...);
   template<typename U> static Two test(U (*)[1]); // This test overloading I cannot understand 
   enum { Yes = sizeof(IsFunctionT<T>::test<T>(0) == 1};
   enum { No = !Yes };

I understand its intent is to find functions which cannot be categorized as arrays, but how does it work with U (*)[1] . 我理解它的目的是找到不能归类为数组的函数,但它如何与U (*)[1] I have never seen this before. 我以前从未见过这个。

The U( )[1] is an unnamed pointer to an array of 1 element. U( )[1]是一个指向1个元素数组的未命名指针。 And the 0 is either treated as an int or a null pointer to an U ( )[1]; 并且0被视为指向U( )[1] 的int或null指针 ;

The sizeof is testing the function return type, the actual result of the test function isn't used as test() is never actually called, only its return type tested. sizeof是测试函数返回类型,测试函数的实际结果不用作test()从不实际调用,只测试其返回类型。

In a nutshell, SFINAE works by substituting a type and not giving a hard failure if the expression is ill-formed. 简而言之,如果表达形式不正确,SFINAE通过替换一种类型而不是硬性失败来工作。 For example you cannot have an array of functions, so if U is a function, the substitution will fail and that overload will be discarded. 例如,您不能拥有一个函数数组,因此如果U是一个函数,则替换将失败并且该重载将被丢弃。 Now as a comment pointed out, the code you posted alone does not cover all cases. 现在正如评论所指出的那样,您单独发布的代码并未涵盖所有案例。 You need additional specializations, ie: 您需要其他专业化,即:

template<typename T>
class IsFunctionT<T&> {
    enum { Yes = 0 };
    enum { No = !Yes };

class IsFunctionT<void> {
    enum { Yes = 0 };
    enum { No = !Yes };

class IsFunctionT<void const> {
    enum { Yes = 0 };
    enum { No = !Yes };

Which I pulled from the freely available source code from the book . 从书中免费提供的源代码中提取


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