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[英]Wordpress - duplicator plugin back up fail

I've just moved a wordpress site from localhost to live server and attempted a backup using the duplicator plugin. 我刚刚将一个WordPress网站从本地主机移到了实时服务器,并尝试使用复制器插件进行备份。 It's showing the following error/fail - 它显示以下错误/失败-


It's also showing a red 'Pass' for 'required paths' with the following comment for three filepaths - If Duplicator does not have enough permissions then you will need to manually create the paths above. 它还为“必需的路径”显示了一个红色的“通过”,并为三个文件路径添加了以下注释- 如果Duplicator没有足够的权限,则您将需要手动创建上述路径。

I'm using GoDaddy cPanel hosting for the server. 我正在使用GoDaddy cPanel托管服务器。 Is this a common issue when you move to a live server? 当您转入实时服务器时,这是一个常见问题吗? If so, how do I resolve it? 如果是这样,我该如何解决?

After some studying and assistance from a wordpress forum, the solution was to install an archive_zip extension from the PHP Pearl package section in the cPanel and then click through to the PHP versions section and tick the box next to 'zip'. 经过wordpress论坛的研究和帮助后,解决方案是从cPanel的PHP Pearl包部分安装archive_zip扩展名,然后单击进入PHP版本部分,然后选中“ zip”旁边的框。 Hit save and then the backup worked. 点击保存,然后备份就可以了。

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