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[英]MYSQL date range query strange behaviour

i'm working on codeigniter and mysql db. 我正在开发codeigniter和mysql db。 I have run in to a issue where i need to show recent data as per date. 我遇到了一个问题,需要按日期显示最新数据。

i have table name tbl_tournament where i'm going to fetch tournament data whose tournament_end_date >= $todays_date 我的表名称是tbl_tournament,我将在其中获取其tournament_end_date >= $todays_date锦标赛数据

My Query 我的查询

$today = date("d/m/Y");



        $this->db->where('is_deleted', FALSE);

        $this->db->where('tournament_end_date_time >=', $today);


        $query = $this->db->get();

        return $query->result_array();

the output of this query is empty array array(); 该查询的输出为空数组array();

When i manually change tournament_end_date_time = 01/04/2018 in database and query $this->db->where('tournament_end_date_time >=', '01/04/2017'); 当我在数据库中手动更改tournament_end_date_time = 01/04/2018并查询$this->db->where('tournament_end_date_time >=', '01/04/2017'); i get results. 我得到结果。 But when i change date in query as $this->db->where('tournament_end_date_time >=', '31/12/2017'); 但是当我在查询中将日期更改为$this->db->where('tournament_end_date_time >=', '31/12/2017'); i get empty array. 我得到空数组。

In Mysql database i have used varchar as the data type tournament_end_date_time 在Mysql数据库中,我已经使用varchar作为数据类型tournament_end_date_time

Thank in Advance. 预先感谢。

You store datetimes as strings (with VARCHAR type), hence they're compared as strings - character by character. 您将日期时间存储为字符串(具有VARCHAR类型),因此将它们作为字符串进行比较-逐字符。 For obvious reasons, '3' character is greater than '1'. 出于明显的原因,“ 3”字符大于“ 1”。 That's why with filter set... 这就是为什么要设置过滤器...

WHERE tournament_end_date_time >= '31/12/2017'

... you'll only get the results where corresponding values start from '31/12' - in other words, of December, 31 (of 2017 - or any year after it). ...您将只获得相应值从'31 / 12'开始的结果-换句话说,就是12月31日(2017年-或之后的任何一年)。

To solve the problem, you can use STR_TO_DATE() MySQL function to convert the existing column value to an actual date. 要解决该问题,可以使用STR_TO_DATE() MySQL函数将现有的列值转换为实际日期。 Note that the param will be treated as a date literal as it follows 'YYYY-MM-DD' format: 请注意,该参数将被视为日期文字,因为它遵循“ YYYY-MM-DD”格式:

WHERE STR_TO_DATE(tournament_end_date_time, '%d/%m/%Y') >= '2017-12-31'

... or, in PHP syntax, following CodeIgniter conventions: ...,或者使用PHP语法遵循CodeIgniter约定:

  "STR_TO_DATE(tournament_end_date_time, '%d/%m/%Y') >=" => date("Y-m-d")

A better choice is doing a single-time update operation on this column to convert all its values to DATE type at once. 更好的选择是对此列执行一次一次性更新操作,以一次将其所有值转换为DATE类型。

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