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Hyperledger Fabric 需要 Docker 吗?

[英]Does Hyperledger Fabric need Docker?

This may be the stupid question.这可能是个愚蠢的问题。 Does Hyperledger Fabric require Docker for its operations. Hyperledger Fabric 的操作是否需要 Docker。

I'm just wondering that Docker is needed only if we need to run Fabric peer, orderer or couchDB as virtual machine in the same physical machine.我只是想知道仅当我们需要在同一物理机中将 Fabric peer、orderer 或 couchDB 作为虚拟机运行时才需要 Docker。 I think Docker might not be necessary if we install those sofwares (peer, order, couchDB, etc) natively on the separate and same server.我认为如果我们将这些软件(peer、order、couchDB 等)本地安装在单独的同一台服务器上,Docker 可能不是必需的。

Thank you.谢谢。

Just so this point does not go unnoticed, while you do not need to run the peer in a Docker container, endorsing peers (the ones which run chaincode) need access to a Docker daemon (ideally on the same host).正因为如此,这一点不会被忽视,虽然您不需要在 Docker 容器中运行对等节点,但认可对等节点(运行链代码的节点)需要访问 Docker 守护进程(最好在同一主机上)。 Chaincode is currently only deployed via Docker containers. Chaincode 目前仅通过 Docker 容器部署。

The question as to whether Docker is required to run a peer, orderer, fabric-ca, etc. depends on what effort you are willing to expend.关于是否需要 Docker 来运行 peer、orderer、fabric-ca 等的问题取决于你愿意付出什么样的努力。

The Hyperledger Fabric community publishes stable, tested Docker images for X86, PowerPC and s390 (mainframe) architectures for each of its releases. Hyperledger Fabric 社区为 X86、PowerPC 和 s390(大型机)架构的每个版本发布了稳定的、经过测试的 Docker 镜像。 These images are based on Ubuntu.这些图像基于 Ubuntu。

To use the Hyperledger Fabric published release images, you need Docker and some form of orchestration support.要使用 Hyperledger Fabric 发布的发布映像,您需要 Docker 和某种形式的编排支持。 For sample use cases, we provide some simple Docker Compose definitions.对于示例用例,我们提供了一些简单的 Docker Compose 定义。 Hyperledger Cello and other provisioning platforms such as the IBM sandbox, provide kubernetes helm charts. Hyperledger Cello 和其他供应平台(如 IBM 沙箱)提供 kubernetes helm charts。

It is possible to build the binaries outside of their Docker images without modification of the source.可以在其 Docker 镜像之外构建二进制文件而无需修改源代码。 However, if you wish to build for an alternative OS (eg Windows, RHEL or CENTOS, etc) then you will need to modify the build process.但是,如果您希望为其他操作系统(例如 Windows、RHEL 或 CENTOS 等)构建,则需要修改构建过程。 However, it can and has been done.但是,它可以并且已经完成。 Suggest you reach out to the hyperledger-fabric@lists.hyperledger.org mailing list to see if any in the community that have built for alternative deployment will share their work.建议您联系hyperledger-fabric@lists.hyperledger.org邮件列表,看看社区中是否有为替代部署而构建的人会分享他们的工作。

Starting HLF 2.0 things have changed.从 HLF 2.0 开始,事情发生了变化。 According to documentation, chaincode can be in 'external containers' also.根据文档,链码也可以在“外部容器”中。

https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.0/cc_launcher.html https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.0/cc_launcher.html

Yes, it is the second heading on the prerequisites page athttp://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/prereqs.html是的,它是http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/prereqs.html上的先决条件页面上的第二个标题

Docker and Docker Compose Docker 和 Docker Compose

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