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[英]How to return value from an ajax call function

I have a function 我有一个功能

function GetITStaffList(){
    var go_path = "Server/ITComplains.php?action=GetITStaffList&vars=0";
        {}, function(data)
            var parseData = JSON.parse(data);
            console.log("GetPendingAndInProgressComplainsByGeneratorId : ", parseData);

            return parseData;

I am calling this somewhere in the code like this 我在这样的代码中的某个地方称呼它

var ITStaffList = GetITStaffList();

But the problem is each time it is returning null. 但是问题是每次它返回null时。 I know that I have to use callback and something like a promise but I don't how to fit this thing in my context. 我知道我必须使用回调和诸如Promise之类的东西,但是我不适合在我的上下文中使用它。 How do I write a reusable function with ajax call that returns data on demand.? 如何编写带有ajax调用的可重用函数,该函数可按需返回数据?

Return a promise instead. 代替诺言。

function GetITStaffList(){

    return new Promise(function(resolve){

       var go_path = "Server/ITComplains.php?action=GetITStaffList&vars=0";
           {}, function(data)
               var parseData = JSON.parse(data);
               console.log("GetPendingAndInProgressComplainsByGeneratorId : ", parseData);

            resolve(parseData);    //Notice this

Now you can call the function and wait for data. 现在您可以调用该函数并等待数据。


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